Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas Second Edition e-book Share Print Price: USD 22.00 + Sales Tax Javascript is required to add products to your basket. Select quantity: Add to cart Educational discount pricing Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas Second Edition e-book Format: OnLine Resource The Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas is a program for elementary and secondary students. This complete language development program presents and reinforces the content vocabulary and academic language that are required for students to think, speak, read and write about social studies, science, and math. Part of: Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas Language Level: Beginner to Intermediate ISBN: 978-0-19-483541-1 Price: USD 22.00 + Sales Tax The e-book comes to life with extra digital features to engage students and enhance their learning experience including audio and interactive activities with automatic marking. Students can study anytime, anywhere. Educational discount pricing K12 schools, college bookstores, and other educational institutions with an Oxford account will receive an educational discount when placing their order through our Customer Service department. Please call Customer Service at 800-542-2442 (8am - 6pm EST, Monday to Friday). You need an Oxford account to receive the discounted price. Contact us Key features Read more... Licence Terms Key features Boost your students' motivation to study - the Student Book e-book comes to life with extra digital features to engage students and enhance their learning experience: complete interactive activities with automated marking; listen to audio for authentic listening practice, slow it down for improved comprehension, and voice record to practice speaking and pronunciation;add notes, use the pen and highlighter tool to annotate the page, and save voice recordings; easily navigate using bookmarks, jump to page, and the search tool.Encourage your students to study anytime, anywhere - ready to go activities for inside or outside the classroom, accessible on any device, both online and offline.Connect your students to a world-famous dictionary - quickly look up the definitions of words and phrases from the Oxford Learner's Dictionaries with helpful pronunciation guidance, at the right level. Read more... Accelerate your students’ academic language development with the second edition of the Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas program. This program: Uses direct, explicit vocabulary instruction, which improves learning outcomes for ELLs and struggling learners. Helps English learners and struggling learners acquire new content area vocabulary and build word knowledge from incremental, repeated and varied exposures to words. Has an instructional routine that uses the research-based Gradual Release of Responsibility, Productive Partnering and other models as an effective way of increasing language acquisition. Is standards based and aligned to the Common Core State Standards and other leading research on what works most effectively. Uses scaffolded and differentiated instruction to improve vocabulary acquisition for English language learners. Licence Terms The licence period for this product is perpetual.The use of this product is subject to the Oxford Learners Bookshelf terms and conditions. Part of... Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas The second edition of this well-loved dictionary with an increased emphasis on academic language, alignment to curriculum standards and a research-based pedagogy. View Course