Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas Teacher's Edition with Lesson Plan CD Pack

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Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas Teacher's Edition with Lesson Plan CD Pack

Second Edition

Format: Mixed Media

This complete language development program presents and reinforces the content vocabulary and academic language that are required for students to think, speak, read and write about social studies, science, and math.

  • ISBN: 978-0-19-452545-9
  • Price: $ 79.20

The Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas Teachers Edition With Lesson Plan CD Pack includes teaching notes for every Dictionary topic. An explicit and interactive instructional routine allows students to devote their full attention to new concepts, while clear guidance on integrating all of the components of the program facilitates effective and easy lesson planning. A valuable resource for new and experienced teachers.

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This pack includes:

  • Book
  • Audio CD
  • Key features

    • Clear instructional routines ensure sound lesson structure and effective classroom management
    • Topic-based content support for the instructor provides presentation models for teaching content with learner-accessible language
    • Differentiation, grammar, and academic language notes help teachers provide customized instruction
    • Includes a customizable lesson plan CD-ROM to quickly and easily create plans for a variety of curricular needs


    Accelerate your student;s academic language development with the second edition of the Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas program. This program:

    Uses direct, explicit vocabulary instruction, which improves learning outcomes for ELLs and struggling learners.

    Helps English learners and struggling learners acquire new content area vocabulary and build word knowledge from incremental, repeated and varied exposures to words.

    Has an instructional routine that uses the research-based Gradual Release of Responsibility, Productive Partnering and other models as an efective way of increasing language acquisition.

    Is standards based and aligned to the Common Core State Standards and other leading research on what works most efectively.

    Uses sca?olded and di?erentiated instruction to improve vocabulary acquisition for English language learners.

    Part of... Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas

    The second edition of this well-loved dictionary with an increased emphasis on academic language, alignment to curriculum standards and a research-based pedagogy.

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