Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas Reproducible: Social Studies People & Places

Price:  $ 68.20

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Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas Reproducible: Social Studies People & Places

Format: Copymasters

The Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas Reproducible Collection includes five titles that focus on pre-reading, reading, post-reading and writing practice for every Dictionary topic.

  • ISBN: 978-0-19-452508-4
  • Price: $ 68.20

The Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas Reproducible Social Studies:People & Places is one of five easy-to-photocopy titles in the reproducibles collection, including over 1,600 words presented with clear, vibrant illustrations. Featured in this updated edition includes 22 social studies topics. Exercises combine content area vocabulary with the academic language learners will need in their classes.

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Key features

  • Scaffolded reading and writing exercises privded focus and support for learners to master content
  • Note-taking excercises develop the reading strategies and skills learners need in content-area classes
  • Worksheets, reading selections, and word-and-picture cards for each topic are located in one collection for easy lesson preparation
  • Teacher Web site provides extra resources and reference material www.oup.com/elt/opdca


Accelerate your student's academic language development with the second edition of the Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas program. This program:

Uses direct, explicit vocabulary instruction, which improves learning outcomes for ELLs and struggling learners.

Helps English learners and struggling learners acquire new content area vocabulary and build word knowledge from incremental, repeated and varied exposures to words.

Has an instructional routine that uses the research-based Gradual Release of Responsibility, Productive Partnering and other models as an efective way of increasing language acquisition.

Is standards based and aligned to the Common Core State Standards and other leading research on what works most effectively.

Uses scaffolded and differentiated instruction to improve vocabulary acquisition for English language learners.

Part of... Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas

The second edition of this well-loved dictionary with an increased emphasis on academic language, alignment to curriculum standards and a research-based pedagogy.

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