Share Print Hello You can visit our worldwide website for our globally available teaching resources, or visit our local website for for products, events and materials for your area. Please choose below: Visit the worldwide site Visit the site for Buy from Third Edition Paul A Davies, Tim Falla With 100% new content, the third edition of Oxford’s best-selling secondary course offers the tried and trusted Solutions methodology alongside fresh and diverse material that will spark your students’ interest and drive them to succeed. Language Level: Elementary to Advanced Solutions by Oxford University Press is now available in a third edition. The best-selling course for teenagers provides new and exciting content that is delivered using the successful methodology of the previous editions. This edition offers a brand new comprehensive listening syllabus as well as word skills lessons, allowing students to master key listening sub skills, expand their vocabulary, and become confident communicators.Solutions turns all students into active learners, by offering a rich variety of learning opportunities for a whole range of abilities through extension and revision activities in all components - giving everyone a sense of achievement whatever their level. Student’s Book Workbook Student’s Book e-Book Workbook e-Book Teacher’s Pack Class Audio CDs Course DVD Key features Read more... Watch Impact Study Key features A broad range of lesson types focusing on key skills, including vocabulary, grammar, reading, speaking, and writing, all with 100% new content NEW listening and word skills lessons in each unit of the Student’s Book help to develop confident communicators Exam skills trainer sections in the Student’s Book prepare students for typical school-leaving/Cambridge tasks, and provide them with the language, strategies, and exam skills they need to achieve success Extra grammar support, with grammar builder pages in the Student’s Book providing additional practice exercises and grammar reference pages allowing learners to check grammar rules Workbooks providing further lesson-by-lesson practice of the material taught in class, with additional listening practice Student’s Book and Workbook available in e-book format, with interactive features designed to aid language learning DVD-ROM material for every Culture lesson in the Student’s Book reinforces the grammar and vocabulary being taught and presents it in a different, student-appealing context Classroom presentation tool shows Student’s Book and Workbook on screen, with embedded answer keys and audio, culture videos to support the Culture Bank lessons, and additional activities to consolidate students’ learning Read more... The Solutions approach to teaching and learning English is based on the 'motivate, activate, achieve’ objective.MotivateInteresting and diverse content keeps students fully engaged and motivatedCreate inspiring lessons with a wealth of additional resources, including optional lesson openers, culture lessons with DVD clips, and project work'I can’ statements and unit reviews encourage students to reflect on their progress, and recognise their achievementsActivateNew comprehensive listening syllabus activates every student, whatever their level, and helps to develop confident communicatorsSupported approach to speaking and writing build students’ confidenceNew word skills lessons encourage students to use new vocabularyAchieveRegular exam practice and preparation activities, as well as specific 'exam skills trainer’ sections in the student’s book, ensure that students are well prepared for their examsCritical thinking and project work develops skills for the real worldSkills development and recycling new language helps every student succeed Watch Want to know more about Solutions Third Edition and why it is loved by students and teachers around the world? Watch this quick video introduction from Author Paul Davies… Impact Study Solutions Solutions is Oxford’s best-selling secondary English Language Teaching course, and has supported millions of students to succeed in English exams worldwide. An impact study* was conducted to gain an in-depth understanding of how teachers feel that Solutions contributes to exam success. * An impact study is research that investigates a particular change or outcome that a product or service has on the group of people it is intended to help or benefit.. Found to help students improve the skills and strategies needed to achieve exam success 98% of teachers agree that using Solutions has helped their students improve the skills and strategies they need to achieve exam success. 97.5% believe that the Solutions grammar and vocabulary syllabus helps develop strong foundations on which effective exam skills can be built. 96.5% agree that using Solutions has helped their students improve the core skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking) they need to achieve exam success. 96.5% agree that the Solutions series provides plenty of opportunities for their students to practise and improve their exam strategies and skills. Download the summary report (PDF, 2,2 MB) How Teachers found Solutions helped students improve the skills and strategies they needed to achieve exam success 1. Solutions includes the types of activities and tasks that students are likely to find in their exams.“Exam-like tasks help them to get practice and develop task-awareness.”“The course book provides clear exam strategies and sample tasks.” 2. The series covers all the core skills required for exams.“With the help of Solutions, my students can build ample vocabulary and improve all the necessary skills - reading, writing, listening and speaking - for their exams.”“I can find everything I need to prepare my students for school leaving exams - grammar, reading, speaking, listening, writing, tests...” 3. Students have the opportunity to practice“The series practises all skills required for the exam.”“The book is very well organised and this design helps the teacher to practise the different skills in each unit.” 4. It helps students to pass their exams“Many of my students have successfully passed the national exam A2.”“Solutions series help to develop all skills needed to pass State Exam in English”. Find out more about Oxford Impact The Solutions impact study was conducted in November 2018 and January 2019. 196 teachers in 14 countries took part.