Newspapers e-book Share Print Price: USD 38.50 + Sales Tax Javascript is required to add products to your basket. Select quantity: Add to cart Educational discount pricing Newspapers e-book Format: Electronic Text (Kindle,, Kobo, Apple devices, Android, OLF) This book features creative yet practical ideas for making effective use of newspapers in the language classroom. Part of: Resource Books for Teachers ISBN: 978-0-19-442611-4 Price: USD 38.50 + Sales Tax Educational discount pricing K12 schools, college bookstores, and other educational institutions with an Oxford account will receive an educational discount when placing their order through our Customer Service department. Please call Customer Service at 800-542-2442 (8am - 6pm EST, Monday to Friday). You need an Oxford account to receive the discounted price. Contact us Key features Read more... Contents Reviews Key features Practical, creative and original ideas show teachers how they can make effective use of English-language newspapers in the classroom. The activities include ways of exploiting newspapers both for their language and their cultural content. The majority of activities need little teacher preparation time. A useful appendix provides a guide to the availability of English-language newspapers worldwide. Read more... This book features creative yet practical ideas for making effective use of newspapers in the language classroom. Contents The author and series editor Foreword Introduction How to use this book 1 Working creatively with newspapers A short chapter inviting teachers to take stock of their existing knowledge and think about the kinds of new ideas that could be introduced into the classroom. 2 Building confidence and familiarity (30 activities) Activities designed to make students feel that they can handle newspapers. 3 Working with texts (22 activities) Text-based activities which require extensive, discriminating, authentic reading. 4 Working with pictures (15 activities) Matching activities which treat texts and pictures as complementary and in a parallel relationship. 5 Project work (14 activities) A range of ideas for project work, some requiring half a day's work, and others several days or even weeks. 6 Personal responses (19 activities) Activities which bring together responses to newspaper materials and personal experiences, memories, and feelings. Appendix Bibliography Reviews 'A superb contribution to language teaching and learning.' - Modern Language Journal |k Y