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Focus on Learning Technologies

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Focus on Learning Technologies

Format: Paperback
See also: e-book | e-book
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Shortlisted for the International House Ben Warren Trust Prize 2017

Focus on Learning Technologies helps teachers understand the role of digital technologies in supporting language learning for second or foreign language learners aged 5-18.

  • ISBN: 978-0-19-400311-7
  • Pages: 184
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Dimensions: 234x156 mm

Focus on Learning Technologies helps teachers understand the role of digital technologies in supporting language learning for second or foreign language learners aged 5-18. Drawing on research with school-age learners, the book equips teachers with the knowledge necessary to make effective and principled decisions about choosing and using learning technologies in their own language classes. The book provides an accessible overview of key research studies on learning technologies, considers examples from real classroom practice, and provides activities to help teachers relate the content to their own teaching contexts.

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Key features

  • Examples taken from real classroom practice and key research studies
  • Research relevant to English language learners aged 5-18
  • Additional online resources at


This book is part of the Oxford Key Concepts for the Language Classroom series, focusing on key topics for teaching English as a second or foreign language to learners aged 5-18. These instructional guides are informed by research in second language acquisition and language pedagogy, and show the relevance of theory to the practising teacher.

  • 'Spotlight studies' highlighting important research.
  • 'Classroom snapshots' show different teaching approaches in practice.
  • 'Activities' help you make connections between research and theory and your classroom context.
Suitable for students working towards MA TESOL, graduate certificates, or diploma qualifications, and for practising teachers' professional development programs.


  • Teachers will find an accessible introduction to the complex technology choices and issues they face in their English language teaching today. Nicky Hockly has selectively harvested and masterfully presented the key concepts to create a gateway into this complex area of research and practice.
    - Carol A. Chapelle, Distinguished Professor, Iowa State University
  • Nicky Hockly has once again given us a thoughtful exploration of technology use in the language classroom. Learning Technologies provides a readable look at the research behind classroom use of digital devices and the Internet, with a focus on primary and secondary schools. Research should inform how ESL and EFL teachers, administrators, and policy-makers make decisions about adopting and using technology.
    - Deborah Healey, Senior Instructor at the American English Institute, University of Oregon
  • "Book of the month... Focus on Learning Technologies is a timely addition to the innovative Oxford Key Concepts for the Language Classroom series, which aims to link research and practice... This book addresses the critical question: do digital technologies support language learning?... Highly suitable for teacher development programs, this book is accessible, balanced and authoritative. Excellent."
    - EL Gazette
  • "Focus on Learning Technologies incorporates pertinent synopses of classroom settings and research involving technology... Of particular interest are Hockly's references to investigation into the effectiveness of digital technology in the classroom... this is a well-researched and informative guide for both trainee and practising teachers."
    - IATEFL Voices
  • "The Focus series is a set of instructional guides for primary and secondary teachers, but teachers of adults will find a lot they can use... I found the research interesting [and] I was particularly interested in the discussion about vocabulary acquisition."
    - Modern English Teacher

Part of... Oxford Key Concepts for the Language Classroom

These research-led instructional guides link the theories of second language acquisition and pedagogy with classroom practice, enabling teachers to reflect on what happens in the language classroom. The series editors, Patsy M. Lightbown and Nina Spada, are highly respected worldwide for making theory and research about language learning accessible and relevant to classroom teaching.

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