Teaching Young Language Learners e-Book for Kindle

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Teaching Young Language Learners e-Book for Kindle

Second Edition

Format: e-book (Kindle)
See also: e-book

This fully updated second edition provides a comprehensive and readable introduction to teaching young learners. It gives an accessible overview of the issues, including child development, L1 and L2 learning, L2 skills, vocabulary and grammar, learning to learn, materials design, and policy issues. Integrating theory and practice in an accessible way, it draws on up-to-date research and classroom practice that is internationally relevant.

  • ISBN: 978-0-19-440316-0

Each title in the series is intended to serve both as a basis for training courses and seminars, and as a reference text.

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Key features

  • Systematic incorporation of ideas related to technology across all chapters
  • Discussion of current trends in the field of teaching young learners, including CLIL, online learning, issues of assessment, 21st century skills, and ways of giving children more agency in their language learning
  • A new chapter on intercultural awareness for young learners
  • Updates to research and practical examples, and new tasks
  • An extended final chapter on classroom research, complete with innovative ideas for researching with children
  • Extra resources are available on the website:www.oup.com/elt/teacher/teachingyll


  • "This is an excellent book on teaching English to children at primary school. The updated chapters cover a wide range of critical areas - both theoretical and practical - in a highly comprehensible and accessible manner. This book is a must-read and I highly recommend it to all who are passionate about teaching English to children."
    - Gail Ellis, Adviser Young Learners and Quality, British Council
  • "This book provides a well-balanced mix of theory and practice about the key aspects of language teaching allowing teachers to make principled decisions in their language classrooms. A book that every teacher of young language learners should have to hand."
    - Sarah Phillips, Young Learners teacher trainer and author

Part of... Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers

Each title in the series is intended to serve both as a basis for training courses and seminars, and as a reference text.

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