English for Academic Purposes e-Book for Kindle Share Print Buy from Educational discount pricing English for Academic Purposes e-Book for Kindle Format: e-book (Kindle) See also: e-book A comprehensive and up-to-date overview of research in the field of English for Academic Purposes, presenting typical and best practice, and providing practical suggestions for developing materials to promote both language and skills. Part of: Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers ISBN: 978-0-19-436058-6 Each title in the series is intended to serve both as a basis for training courses and seminars, and as a reference text. Educational discount pricing K12 schools, college bookstores, and other educational institutions with an Oxford account will receive an educational discount when placing their order through our Customer Service department. Please call Customer Service at 800-542-2442 (8am - 6pm EST, Monday to Friday). You need an Oxford account to receive the discounted price. Contact us Reviews Reviews '... an up-to-date contribution to the still rather few book-length treatments of the theory and practice of English for Academic Purposes... This is an ambitious book, with extensive and detailed coverage of the major issues in current EAP.' - Modern English Teacher Part of... Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers Each title in the series is intended to serve both as a basis for training courses and seminars, and as a reference text. View Series