English for Academic Purposes e-book

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English for Academic Purposes e-book

A comprehensive overview of EAP and how it is best taught and learnt in a variety of academic contexts

Format: e-book (Kobo, ebooks.com, Apple devices, OLF, Android)
See also: e-book

A comprehensive and up-to-date overview of research in the field of English for Academic Purposes, presenting typical and best practice, and providing practical suggestions for developing materials to promote both language and skills.

  • ISBN: 978-0-19-435831-6

English for Academic Purposes discusses the fast-developing area of teaching English for Academic Purposes and provides comprehensive answers to questions that teachers ask. It helps you to become more familiar with a range of key concepts and issues, and gives you a better understanding of how they impact on your teaching.

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Key features

  • a comprehensive overview of research in the field of English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
  • covers all aspects of EAP including language, texts, reading, writing, listening, speaking, materials, and assessment
  • discusses the core concept of critical thinking and how it affects language use
  • explains how to use technologies to open up new opportunities for EAP teaching and learning


What is EAP and how is it best taught and learnt in a variety of academic contexts? English for Academic Purposes discusses this fast-growing area of language teaching and provides comprehensive answers to questions that both novice and experienced teachers ask.

Recommended for reference, or for language teacher educators to use as a basis for teacher education courses and seminars, English for Academic Purposes helps you to become more familiar with a range of key concepts, and gives you a better understanding of how they impact on your teaching.

The book includes:

all aspects of EAP including language, texts, reading, writing, listening, speaking, materials, and assessment

the core concept of critical thinking and how it affects language use

how to use technologies to open up new opportunities for EAP teaching and learning

Extra resources, including links to all of the resources described in the book, are available on the website:www.oup.com/elt/teacher/ohlt This book is part of Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers, the highly regarded series covering the topics language teachers want to know more about.

Edward de Chazal is a freelance author and teacher trainer with over twenty years' experience working in international EAP contexts. He is the co-author of the Oxford EAP coursebook series (B1+, B2, C1) and a former lecturer at University College London.


  • '... an up-to-date contribution to the still rather few book-length treatments of the theory and practice of English for Academic Purposes... This is an ambitious book, with extensive and detailed coverage of the major issues in current EAP.
    - Modern English Teacher

Part of... Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers

Each title in the series is intended to serve both as a basis for training courses and seminars, and as a reference text.

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