Doing Task-Based Teaching e-Book for Kindle Share Print Buy from Educational discount pricing Doing Task-Based Teaching e-Book for Kindle Format: e-book (Kindle) See also: e-book A practical guide to task-based teaching for ELT training courses and practising teachers. This book provides teachers with a better understanding of task-based learning and how it works, including how to incorporate tasks with textbook material. Task-based teaching has created enormous interest among teachers in recent years. But how does the idea of designing tasks (e.g. discussions, problems, games) that encourage learners to use real language work in practice? This book explains the basic principles behind task-based learning and teaching and gives practical examples of how to make it work in different teaching situations. Part of: Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers Part of: Oxford Applied Linguistics ISBN: 978-0-19-435821-7 Each title in the series is intended to serve both as a basis for training courses and seminars, and as a reference text. Educational discount pricing K12 schools, college bookstores, and other educational institutions with an Oxford account will receive an educational discount when placing their order through our Customer Service department. Please call Customer Service at 800-542-2442 (8am - 6pm EST, Monday to Friday). You need an Oxford account to receive the discounted price. Contact us Part of... Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers Each title in the series is intended to serve both as a basis for training courses and seminars, and as a reference text. View Series Part of... Oxford Applied Linguistics Home to the most innovative studies in its field, the Oxford Applied Linguistics series furthers research in English teaching and learning, and provides strong foundations for language pedagogy. View Series