Mobile Learning (e-book for Kindle)

Mobile Learning (e-book for Kindle) cover

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Mobile Learning (e-book for Kindle)

Format: e-book (Kindle)
See also: e-book
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Shortlisted for the English Speaking Union's English Language Award, 2018

Mobile Learning provides clear guidance and essential support for teachers who want to use mobile devices in and outside the language classroom. Full of practical ideas and activities, it emphasizes the power of the mobile device as a tool for language learning.

  • ISBN: 978-0-19-420019-6

Основные характеристики

  • Helps teachers get started with using mobile devices and apps in class.
  • Shows how to make the most of in-built features, such as messaging, photos, and audio recording.
  • Introduces more advanced project ideas, including digital storytelling, video and animation, multimodal approaches, and augmented reality.
  • Addresses issues such as acceptable use policies and staying safe.
  • Provides teachers with dozens of practical ideas and activities they can immediately incorporate into their teaching.

Читать еще

Into the Classroom is a series of short, practical guides that help teachers who work in the primary and secondary school setting to make sense of new teaching tools, techniques and educational policy, with ideas for implementing them in the classroom.

Practical and easy to read, this series offers a range of activities and teaching tips for you to introduce into your lessons. ‘Try this’ provides ideas for implementing new techniques with confidence, while best practice tips and techniques are provided in the ‘getting it right’ sections.


Part 1: Implementing Mobile Devices
1 Thinking about going mobile
2 Getting started
Part 2: Taking the First Steps
3 Take out your devices
4 A photo tells a thousand words
5 QR codes: a versatile classroom tool
6 Audio recording
Part 3: Mobile Devices: Projects and Beyond
7 Digital storytelling
8 Video and animation
9 Mulitmodal approaches and alternative realities
10 Tools for the teacher

УМК Into the Classroom

Practical guides to understanding and implementing new developments in teaching

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