Lecture Ready Student Book 3, Second Edition

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Lecture Ready Student Book 3, Second Edition

Format: Paperback
See also: Electronic book text

Through the use of realistic and engaging lectures, Lecture Ready Second Edition prepares students for the demands and atmosphere of the higher-education classroom. Note-taking strategies focus on accurate and concise recording of class material. Academic discussion strategies help students participate fully and smoothly in classroom discussions. Students are more competent and confident when they learn how to present using proven strategies for academic success. These strategies help students meet their presentation challenges in and beyond the language classroom.

  • ISBN: 978-0-19-441729-7
  • Price: $ 62.70
  • Pages: 144
  • Binding: Paperback

Through the use of realistic and engaging lectures, Lecture Ready Second Edition prepares students for the demands and atmosphere of the higher-education classroom.

Note-taking strategies focus on accurate and concise recording of class material. Academic discussion strategies help students participate fully and smoothly in classroom discussions. Students are more competent and confident when they learn how to present using proven strategies for academic success.

These strategies help students meet their presentation challenges in and beyond the language classroom.

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Key features

  • Prepares students for listening, note-taking, and academic discussions through videos of realistic and engaging lectures
  • Explicit presentation skills prepare students for public speaking, a requirement in today’s academic and professional world
  • Audio and video available through the Lecture Ready Digital Download Center, www.lectureready.com/student, allows students to study anytime, anywhere
  • Video-based assessment help teachers assess progress and show what students have mastered and where they still need help


Through the use of realistic and engaging lectures, Lecture Ready Second Edition prepares students for the demands and atmosphere of the higher-education classroom. Note-taking strategies focus on accurate and concise recording of class material. Academic discussion strategies help students participate fully and smoothly in classroom discussions. Students are more competent and confident when they learn how to present using proven strategies for academic success. These strategies help students meet their presentation challenges in and beyond the language classroom.

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