Effective Academic Writing 3 Student Online Practice

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Effective Academic Writing 3 Student Online Practice

Second Edition

Format: Online resource

Step-By-Step Instruction takes students through the complete academic writing process starting at the sentence level and ending with the researched essay.

  • ISBN: 978-0-19-470685-8
  • RRP: £ 18.33
  • Licence Length: 12 months

Ключевые характеристики

  • Step-by-step Writing Process guides and refines writing skills
  • Timed Writing practice prepares students for success on high-stakes tests
  • NEW! Introductory Level

Licence Terms

The access period for this product is 12 months from activation.
The use of this product is subject to the Online Practice terms and conditions.

УМК Effective Academic Writing

Effective Academic Writing is a four-level academic writing skills course with integrated online practice and support that teaches the complete academic writing process from sentence level to researched essay.

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