Academic Publishing: Issues and Challenges in the Construction of Knowledge e-Book for Kindle

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Academic Publishing: Issues and Challenges in the Construction of Knowledge e-Book for Kindle

Format: e-book (Kindle)
See also: e-book

Ken Hyland provides an authoritative discussion of key aspects of writing for academic publication.

  • ISBN: 978-0-19-442389-2

As well as outlining implications for pedagogy in the English language classroom, Hyland fully evaluates the social practices surrounding knowledge creation and the political implications of global publishing.

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Key features

  • The author discusses the impact of English as a global academic language
  • The growth of the assessment culture surrounding publication
  • The practices of knowledge construction at institutional and local levels
  • The emergence of Open Access and social media publishing


The series attracts single or co-authored volumes from authors researching at the cutting edge of this dynamic field of interdisciplinary enquiry. The titles range from books that make such developments accessible to the non-specialist reader to those which explore in depth their relevance for the way language is to be conceived as a subject, and how courses and classroom activities are to be designed. As such, these books not only extend the field of applied linguistics itself and lend an additional significance to its enquiries, but also provide an indispensable professional foundation for language pedagogy and its practice.

The scope of the series includes:
  • second language acquisition
  • bilingualism and multi/plurilingualism
  • language pedagogy and teacher education
  • testing and assessment
  • language planning and policy
  • language internationalization
  • technology-mediated communication
  • discourse-, conversation-, and contrastive-analysis
  • pragmatics
  • stylistics
  • lexicography
  • translation


  • "Ken Hyland's book is an important contribution to the literature on academic publishing. It is accessibly written, key concepts and themes are well explained, and the issues that are discussed are clearly connected to the challenges faced by academic writers."
    - Brian Paltridge, Professor of TESOL, University of Sydney
  • Academic Publishing: Issues and Challenges in the Construction of Knowledge is a must-read reference book for those involved in research into scholarly publication, especially novice researchers. The book has successfully provided a timely contribution to the knowledge base on scholarly publication and presented a state of the art survey of the literature and research in this domain. There is no doubt that a book of such a high caliber can only be produced by stellar scholars such as Ken Hyland, whose distinguished status is clear to anyone within the field of EAP and whose invaluable insights have always triggered disciplinary discussions and pushed the boundaries of disciplinary scholarship forward.
    - Linguist List
  • This book, by Ken Hyland, one of the leading scholars in the field of academic publishing, is an authoritative contribution to the literature in this domain. It engages the reader in a nuanced discussion on the intricate world of academic publishing, in its dynamic development and its interrelatedness with knowledge construction... Despite its thematic and informational complexity, the book is reader-friendly, thanks to the author's approach and style... Overall, the book is a valuable, data-rich contribution to our understanding of the complex picture of academic publishing.
    - Journal of English for Academic Purposes
  • "As a leading figure in applied linguistics, Ken Hyland is remarkably diligent and productive, generating publications at an amazing speed. His books never fail to inspire, including this recent volume". The nine chapters cite an extremely varied and extensive range of very recent literature, with the text remaining dynamic, fresh, and sparkling with insights throughout. The book constitutes a milestone in the scholarship on academic publishing in an English-dominant era."
    - Journal of Second Language Writing
  • "Hyland's recent book is one of the most important yet sobering tomes on academic publishing in various disciplines that I have read... What Hyland describes in this thoroughly researched book is essential for all junior scholars to know if they plan to write for publication early in their careers."
    - English for Specific Purposes journal
  • "Addressing what takes place in academia and what the community insiders feel implicitly but hardly acknowledge publicly is really invaluable.... I learnt a lot from reading the book, and gaining more confidence when dealing with the challenges faced by academic writers is only one of its benefits."
    - System
  • "This book presents a clear and accessible discussion of the key aspects of writing for academic publication, and the role of such publishing in the 'knowledge construction industry'... It gives a comprehensive and lucid account of the concepts, issues and challenges facing all those who engage in academic writing... The author also explores the impact of English as a global academic language, the conventions of publication and the implications of all this for ELT pedagogy."
    - English Teaching Professional
  • "...the issues and challenges [are] clearly and comprehensively described in this book..."
    - Modern English Teacher


  • Impetus: the imperatives of publication
  • Locality: global and local publishing
  • Language: visibility and inequality
  • Authoring: engagement and collaboration
  • Participation: community and expertise
  • Genres: articles and alternatives
  • Journals: impact and access
  • Gatekeepers: evaluation and regulation
  • Pedagogy: choices and strategies

Part of... Oxford Applied Linguistics

Home to the most innovative studies in its field, the Oxford Applied Linguistics series furthers research in English teaching and learning, and provides strong foundations for language pedagogy.

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