Input, Interaction and Corrective Feedback in L2 Learning e-book for Kindle Share Print Buy from Educational discount pricing Input, Interaction and Corrective Feedback in L2 Learning e-book for Kindle Format: e-book (Kindle) See also: e-book A study of the role of language input, interaction, and corrective feedback in second-language learning and Second Language Acquisition research. This book describes the processes involved in interaction-driven second language learning and presents a methodological framework for studying them. It provides a comprehensive and up-to date survey of the work on language interaction that has emerged over the past two decades, while also reflecting the recent shift to an exploration of cognitive and social factors in evaluating how interaction works. Part of: Oxford Applied Linguistics ISBN: 978-0-19-442318-2 Educational discount pricing K12 schools, college bookstores, and other educational institutions with an Oxford account will receive an educational discount when placing their order through our Customer Service department. Please call Customer Service at 800-542-2442 (8am - 6pm EST, Monday to Friday). You need an Oxford account to receive the discounted price. Contact us Read more... Read more... The series attracts single or co-authored volumes from authors researching at the cutting edge of this dynamic field of interdisciplinary enquiry. The titles range from books that make such developments accessible to the non-specialist reader to those which explore in depth their relevance for the way language is to be conceived as a subject, and how courses and classroom activities are to be designed. As such, these books not only extend the field of applied linguistics itself and lend an additional significance to its enquiries, but also provide an indispensable professional foundation for language pedagogy and its practice. The scope of the series includes: second language acquisition bilingualism and multi/plurilingualism language pedagogy and teacher education testing and assessment language planning and policy language internationalization technology-mediated communication discourse-, conversation-, and contrastive-analysis pragmatics stylistics lexicography translation Part of... Oxford Applied Linguistics Home to the most innovative studies in its field, the Oxford Applied Linguistics series furthers research in English teaching and learning, and provides strong foundations for language pedagogy. View Series