Second Language Research Methods e-book Share Print Price: USD 51.60 + Sales Tax Javascript is required to add products to your basket. Select quantity: Add to cart Educational discount pricing Second Language Research Methods e-book HW Seliger and E Shohamy Format: Electronic Text (Kindle,, Kobo, Apple devices, Android, OLF) Based on a set of four research parameters, this book discusses the development of research questions and hypotheses, naturalistic and experimental research, data collection, and validation of research instruments. Each chapter includes examples and activities. Are you about to start a Master's degree where you will be carrying out research for the first time? Or do you refer to research in your work as a teacher, teacher trainer, or materials writer? However you are involved with research, this book will give you a clear and thorough introduction to all the main types of language learning research. Part of: Oxford Applied Linguistics ISBN: 978-0-19-442307-6 Price: USD 51.60 + Sales Tax Are you about to start a Master's degree where you will be carrying out research for the first time? Or do you refer to research in your work as a teacher, teacher trainer, or materials writer? However you are involved with research, this book will give you a clear and thorough introduction to all the main types of language learning research. Educational discount pricing K12 schools, college bookstores, and other educational institutions with an Oxford account will receive an educational discount when placing their order through our Customer Service department. Please call Customer Service at 800-542-2442 (8am - 6pm EST, Monday to Friday). You need an Oxford account to receive the discounted price. Contact us Key features Read more... Contents Key features Familiarizes you with the basic types of research design used in second language studies Gives you a genuine 'feel' for what doing research is like, by giving you specific roles (e.g. research subject, data collector, data analyst, reporter) within a variety of mini-studies Explains different research types in detail: why they are used; how they are designed; what the different stages are for carrying them out; and how to evaluate them. Introduces you to some of the classic research studies into second language learning and encourages you to analyse and discuss them. Downloadable version of statistical tables and photocopiable worksheets on the Oxford Teachers' Club website Read more... Based on a set of four research parameters, this book discusses the development of research questions and hypotheses, naturalistic and experimental research, data collection, and validation of research instruments. Each chapter includes examples and activities. Are you about to start a Master's degree where you will be carrying out research for the first time? Or do you refer to research in your work as a teacher, teacher trainer, or materials writer? However you are involved with research, this book will give you a clear and thorough introduction to all the main types of language learning research. Contents Acknowledgements Introduction Chapter 1: What is research? Introduction Research as a natural process Scientific research and common sense Finding answers: How do we know something? Basic, applied, and practical research Summary Activities References Chapter 2: A paradigm for second language research Research and the phenomena of second language Four parameters for second language research Parameter 1: Synthetic and analytic approaches Parameter 2: Heuristic and deductive objectives Parameter 3: Control and manipulation of the research context Parameter 4: Data and data collection Summary Activities References Chapter 3: The preparatory stages of research Introduction Where do research questions come from? Phase 1: The general question Phase 2: Focusing the question Phase 3: Deciding on an objective or purpose Phase 4: Formulating the research plan or the hypothesis Summary Activities References Chapter 4: Contextualization of research The what and why of contextualization Locating the sources for the literature review Reading the literature Organizing and reporting the review of the literature Summary Activities References Chapter 5: The components of research The need for a plan The research plan and the type of research Making predictions and controlling variables Making the research more effective Types of data and variables Internal and external validity Summary Activities References Chapter 6: Research design: qualitative and descriptive research Introduction Qualitative research Descriptive research Multivariate and correlational research Summary Activities References Chapter 7: Research design: experimental research Introduction The major components of experimental research Single group designs Designs using control groups Factorial designs Quasi-experimental designs Separate sample designs Summary Activities References Chapter 8: Data and data collection procedures Introduction The data collection parameter Description of data collection procedures Assuring the quality of the data and the data collection procedures Using, adapting, and developing data collection procedures Summary Activities References Chapter 9: Analyzing the data Data analysis and the design of the study Analyzing qualitative research data Analyzing descriptive research data Analyzing correlational research data Analyzing multivariate research data Analyzing experimental research data Using the computer for data analysis Summary Activities References Chapter 10: Putting it all together Reporting, summarizing, and interpreting the results Reporting research Closing the research cycle? Summary Activities References Appendix: References for further reading Index