Share Print Hello You can visit our worldwide website for our globally available teaching resources, or visit our local website for for products, events and materials for your area. Please choose below: Visit the worldwide site Visit the site for Buy from Grammar Sense Level 4 A sensible solution to learning grammar Second Edition Susan Kesner Bland, Cheryl Pavlik, Alice Savage, Patricia Mayer A comprehensive, four-level American English grammar practice series that gives learners a true understanding of how grammar is used in authentic contexts. Part of: Grammar Sense Other levels: Level 1 , Level 2 , Level 3 What’s new for the Second Edition? A new focus on Critical Thinking to help students apply their grammatical knowledge, an extra section on Writing in every chapter, additional practice in the new Online Workbook and new Part Tests at the end of every section to check and review progress. Student Book with Online Practice Access Code Card Audio CDs Online Practice Access Code Card Teacher's Book with Online Practice Access Code Card Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView® Test Generator Key features Read more... Online Practice Key features Student Solutions: a focus on Critical Thinking builds learning awareness Writing Solutions: a new Writing section in every chapter encourages students to see the relevance of grammar in their writing Technology Solutions: Grammar Sense Online Practice provides additional practice in an easy-to-use online workbook Assessment Solutions: new Part Tests and the Grammar Sense Test Generators allow ongoing assessment Read more... Each chapter opens with a Grammar in Discourse section showing the target grammar in an authentic reading context. The Form sections present the target grammar with clear, concise explanations that students can understand. They also encourage students to use their critical thinking abilities to use English outside of the classroom and to continue learning English on their own. Special sections throughout the chapters cover pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary, the differences between written and spoken language, and grammar beyond the sentence. The Writing Section guides students through the process of applying grammatical knowledge to compositions. Part Tests at the end of every section allow ongoing assessment and evaluation of the students’ progress Online Practice Grammar Sense Online Practice is a free online program that correlates with the Grammar Sense Student Books. It provides lots of additional interactive practice for students, and a straightforward online management system for teachers. Students can: Simply register with the Grammar Sense Online Practice Access Code found at the back of the Student’s Book Practise both form, and meaning and use with the brand new exercises in a variety of interactive formats Use the Quick Tips function for exercise-specific hints, rules and strategies to help complete the exercises Download all the Student Book audio Use the Progress Reports to know what they have mastered or what they still need help with For Teachers and administrators: Grammar Sense Online Practice automatically grades student exercises and tracks progress It is flexible enough use in the classroom or can easily be assigned as homework With the easy-to-use online management system you can manage your classes, students and reports There is help and support available in six languages; English, Spanish, Korean, Arabic, Chinese, and Japanese For Grammar Sense Level 4 (8) Student Book with Online Practice Access Code Card 978-0-19-448919-5 A comprehensive, four-level American English grammar practice series that gives ... Teacher's Book with Online Practice Access Code Card 978-0-19-448941-6 A comprehensive, four-level American English grammar practice series that gives ... Audio CDs 978-0-19-448923-2 A comprehensive, four-level American English grammar practice series that gives ... ISBN Title 978-0-19-448919-5 Grammar Sense 4 Student Book with Online Practice Access Code Card 978-0-19-448941-6 Grammar Sense 4 Teacher's Book with Online Practice Access Code Card 978-0-19-448923-2 Grammar Sense 4 Audio CDs 978-0-19-449030-6 Grammar Sense 4: ExamView CD-ROM 978-0-19-470689-6 Grammar Sense 4 Student Online Practice 978-0-19-407571-8 Grammar Sense Level 4 Student Book Classroom Presentation Tool 978-0-19-483548-0 Grammar Sense Level 4 Student Book e-book 978-0-19-448928-7 Grammar Sense (All levels) Online Practice