Grammar Sense 4 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView

Price:  $ 144.10

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Grammar Sense 4 Assessment CD-ROM with ExamView

Advanced Grammar and Writing

Format: CD Rom

Grammar Sense 4 Advanced Grammar and Writing demonstrates that grammar has a very real, practical application in academic writing. It provides presentation and practice of advanced grammatical structures and guides students through skills needed for academic writing.


This test-generating software is a comprehensive tool for creating and customizing tests for all levels of Grammar Sense. It offers over 3,000 question items for creating tests for specific parts and chapters in the books. It also provides a bank of ready-made tests.

  • ISBN: 978-0-19-449030-6
  • Price: $ 144.10

What’s new for the Second Edition?

A new focus on Critical Thinking to help students apply their grammatical knowledge, an extra section on Writing in every chapter, additional practice in the new Online Workbook and new Part Tests at the end of every section to check and review progress.

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Key features

  • A discourse-based approach encourages communication beyond the sentence level and shows how language is used in the real world.
  • Guided exercises lead students into the grammar, fostering independent learning.


Grammar Sense 4 Advanced Grammar and Writing demonstrates that grammar has a very real, practical application in academic writing. It provides presentation and practice of advanced grammatical structures and guides students through skills needed for academic writing.


This test-generating software is a comprehensive tool for creating and customizing tests for all levels of Grammar Sense. It offers over 3,000 question items for creating tests for specific parts and chapters in the books. It also provides a bank of ready-made tests.

Part of... Grammar Sense, Second Edition

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Part of... Grammar Sense, Second Edition

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Part of... Grammar Sense

A sensible solution to learning grammar

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