Oxford Picture Dictionary Content Area for Kids Assessment CD-ROM

Price:  $ 108.90

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Oxford Picture Dictionary Content Area for Kids Assessment CD-ROM

Format: CD Rom

The second edition of this well-loved dictionary with an increased emphasis on academic language, alignment to curriculum standards, and a research-based pedagogy.

  • ISBN: 978-0-19-401790-9
  • Price: $ 108.90

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Key features

  • Unit Expansion pages develop academic language and critical thinking skills using everyday and content-area vocaublary
  • Exercises in every topic combine everyday and content-area vocabulary with the academic language learners need to be successful
  • 28 new or revised social studies, science, and math topics support the vocabulary learners encounter in their content-area classes


Accelerate your students' Academic Language Development with the second edition of the Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas for Kids program. This research-based program: Is flexible enough to be used in any teaching situation. Provides explicit instruction through research-based routines by Kate Kinsella. Makes vocabulary with the academic language learners need to be successful. Is standards based and aligned to the Common Core State Standards and other leading research on what works most effectively.

Part of... Oxford Picture Dictionary Content Areas for Kids

The Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Area for Kids builds direct, explicit, multifaceted vocabulary instruction using rich visuals and brings meaning and context to words to activate learning for English Learners.

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