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Oxford Illustrated Content Dictionaries

The Oxford Illustrated Content Dictionaries support and promote academic success in math and science by making academic vocabulary accessible to high-beginning and intermediate language learners.

  • Dictionaries
  • Classroom Presentation Tool

Key features

  • Serve as a bridge between picture dictionaries and learner dictionaries
  • Flexible enough to be used in whole-group, small group, or independent learning models
  • Aligned to key state and national curriculum standards
  • Include 500 - 700 terms each


The Oxford Illustrated Content Dictionaries explains academic vocabulary at a level appropriate for high-beginning and intermediate students, which accelerates their mastery of content and allows them to be successful in content-area classes and Content reviewed and approved by nationally accredited science and math standards experts

For Oxford Illustrated Content Dictionaries (9)

Illustrated Math Dictionary


The Oxford Illustrated Math Dictionary supports and promotes academic success in...

Illustrated Science Dictionary


The Oxford Illustrated Science Dictionary supports and promotes academic success...

Oxford Illustrated Social Studies Dictionary


The Oxford Illustrated Social Studies Dictionary supports and promotes academic ...

ISBN Title
978-0-19-407128-4 Oxford Illustrated Math Dictionary
978-0-19-407127-7 Oxford Illustrated Science Dictionary
978-0-19-407132-1 Oxford Illustrated Social Studies Dictionary
978-0-19-407134-5 Oxford Illustrated Math Dictionary Classroom Presentation Tool
978-0-19-407135-2 Oxford Illustrated Science Dictionary Classroom Presentation Tool
978-0-19-407136-9 Oxford Illustrated Social Sciences Dictionary Classroom Presentation Tool
978-0-19-483542-8 Oxford Illustrated Math Dictionary e-book
978-0-19-483543-5 Oxford Illustrated Science Dictionary e-book
978-0-19-483544-2 Oxford Illustrated Social Studies Dictionary e-book