Wide Angle Level 1 Classroom Presentation Tool Share Print Price: USD 176.00 + Sales Tax Javascript is required to add products to your basket. Select quantity: Add to cart Educational discount pricing Wide Angle Level 1 Classroom Presentation Tool A real-world viewpoint Format: OnLine Resource Bring the Wide Angle Student Book to life with the Classroom Presentation Tool. This digital resource for the front of the class has an extensive range of easy-to-use features to capture students' attention and deliver heads-up lessons. Play video and audio at the touch of a button, launch interactive activities and make them full-screen - great for large classes, reveal the answers to the class one-by-one or all at once. Feel confident teaching with technology - use the Classroom Presentation Tool offline or online, from your computer or tablet. Take it with you to plan your lessons wherever you are, save your web links and notes onto the page and update across your tablet and computer - all with one account. Buy your Wide Angle Classroom Presentation Tool access code from this page and receive an email with instructions. Then go to www.oxfordlearnersbookshelf.com to get started! Part of: Wide Angle Level: Level 1 Language Level: A1 ISBN: 978-0-19-454711-6 Price: USD 176.00 + Sales Tax Bring the Wide Angle Student Book to life with the Classroom Presentation Tool. This digital resource for the front of the class has an extensive range of easy-to-use features to capture students' attention and deliver heads-up lessons. Play video and audio at the touch of a button, launch interactive activities and make them full-screen - great for large classes, reveal the answers to the class one-by-one or all at once.Feel confident teaching with technology - use the Classroom Presentation Tool offline or online, from your computer or tablet. Take it with you to plan your lessons wherever you are, save your web links and notes onto the page and update across your tablet and computer - all with one account. Buy your Wide Angle Classroom Presentation Tool access code from this page and receive an email with instructions. Then go to www.oxfordlearnersbookshelf.com to get started! Educational discount pricing K12 schools, college bookstores, and other educational institutions with an Oxford account will receive an educational discount when placing their order through our Customer Service department. Please call Customer Service at 800-542-2442 (8am - 6pm EST, Monday to Friday). You need an Oxford account to receive the discounted price. Contact us Key features Read more... Licence Terms Key features Show the Student Book on screen during lessons. Play audio and video at the touch of a button. Launch activities in full-screen mode to focus your students' attention on a single activity. Look-up words on-screen with the integrated dictionary. Speed up or slow down the audio to tailor lessons to your students' listening level. Record your students speaking and compare their voices to the course audio. Plan your lessons wherever you are. Add text or audio notes to a page, save your web links, then open them in class. Use a range of pen and highlighter tools to annotate the page. Reveal the answers to students one-by-one or all at once. Mark the answers on a page, then delete them so the class can try again. Read more... English for the real world ^D<`'English for Real^D>`' lessons equip students with the tools to uncover and master the hidden rules of English, by guiding them on how to respond appropriately in everyday situations. Videos with the Wide Angle characters encourage learners to think about how to adapt language for different situations, activities guide them to understand and identify differences in language and behavior, and interactive video activities help them to put it into practice. Here students go online to record their response to a situation with the Wide Angle characters. They can play-back the conversation, record it again to improve their response, or send it to you for feedback. So when it comes to responding to situations in the real world, your students know what to say and how to say it. Content from the real world Wide Angle brings topics to life through vibrant photographs from world-renowned photographers. Each unit opens with a photo, thought-provoking questions, and a ^D<`'Real-World Goal^D>`' to inspire students to apply the learning to their own lives. Video interviews with the photographers give students unique insights into the story behind the photo, and provide them with real language models to follow. Supported by a comprehensive syllabus Every level includes reading texts or listening material from Oxford Reference DS a trusted source of over two million academic texts, to give your students authentic learning materials with real vocabulary. Students using Levels 4, 5 and 6 can explore even more content and look up topics of interest with their access to the Oxford Reference digital platform. The vocabulary in Wide Angle is based on the Oxford 3000TM, a list of the most important words to learn in English. Levels 5 and 6 also feature vocabulary from the Oxford 5000TM DS an expanded word list for advanced learners of English. Every word in the Oxford 3000TM and Oxford 5000TM is aligned to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), guiding students on the words they should know at each level. Every unit focuses on developing all four skills, as well as a learner^D>`'s grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Skills boxes focus students^D>`' attention and give them practical information to take away and use outside of the classroom, and ^D<`'Grammar in Context^D>`' boxes present the grammar on the page at the right point in a student^D>`'s learning. Students go online to review the skills taught in every lesson, to practice their grammar and vocabulary, and to access all the course audio and video material. Licence Terms The licence period for this product is perpetual.The use of this product is subject to the Oxford Learners Bookshelf terms and conditions. Part of... Wide Angle A six-level American English course that teaches English for the real world. View Course