Product Information Teaching Resources

For Professional Development (73)

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Focus on Vocabulary Learning


Patsy M. Lightbown and Nina Spada

Format: Paperback

Language Level: Advanced

This book explores teaching vocabulary to second and foreign language learners aged 5-18.

Focus on Vocabulary Learning Advanced (e-book)


New Edition

Marlise Horst

Format: e-book

Language Level: Advanced

Focus on Vocabulary Learning explores teaching vocabulary to second and foreign language learners aged 5-18.

Focus on Vocabulary Learning Advanced (e-book for Kindle)


New Edition

Marlise Horst

Format: e-book

Language Level: Advanced

Focus on Vocabulary Learning explores teaching vocabulary to second and foreign language learners aged 5-18.

Language Assessment for Classroom Teachers (e-Book)


Classroom-based language assessments: why, when, what and how?

Lyle Bachman and Barbara Damböck

Format: e-book

An entirely new approach to developing and using classroom-based language assessments.

Language Assessment for Classroom Teachers (e-book for Kindle)


Classroom-based language assessments: why, when, what and how?

Lyle Bachman and Barbara Damböck

Format: e-book

An entirely new approach to developing and using classroom-based language assessments.

Language Assessment for Classroom Teachers


Classroom-based language assessments: why, when, what and how?

Lyle Bachman and Barbara Damböck

Format: Paperback

An entirely new approach to developing and using classroom-based language assessments.

Supporting Learners with Dyslexia in the ELT Classroom e-book


Michele Daloiso

Format: e-book

Supporting Learners with Dyslexia in the ELT Classroom

Focus on Learning Technologies e-book for Kindle


Nicky Hockly

Format: e-book

Focus on Learning Technologies helps teachers understand the role of digital technologies in supporting language learning for second or foreign language learners aged 5-18.

Focus on Learning Technologies e-book


Nicky Hockly

Format: Electronic Text

Focus on Learning Technologies helps teachers understand the role of digital technologies in supporting language learning for second or foreign language learners aged 5-18. Drawing on research with school-age learners, the book equips teachers with the knowledge necessary to make effective and principled decisions about choosing and using learning technologies in their own language classes. The book provides an accessible overview of key research studies on learning technologies, considers examples from real classroom practice, and provides activities to help teachers relate the content to their own teaching contexts.

This book is part of the Oxford Key Concepts for the Language Classroom series, focusing on key topics for teaching English as a second or foreign language to learners aged 5-18. These instructional guides are informed by research in second language acquisition and language pedagogy, and show the relevance of theory to the practising teacher.

'Spotlight studies' highlighting important research.
'Classroom snapshots' show different teaching approaches in practice.
'Activities' help you make connections between research and theory and your classroom context.
Suitable for students working towards MA TESOL, graduate certificates, or diploma qualifications, and for practising teachers' professional development programs.

USD 30.80
 + Sales Tax

How Languages are Learned e-book


Fourth Edition

This prize-winning, readable introduction to research in language acquisition is recommended reading for second language teachers worldwide

Patsy Lightbown & Nina Spada

Format: e-book

New 4th edition of Lightbown and Spada's prize-winning readable introduction to research in language acquisition

How Languages are Learned e-book Chapter 7


Chapter 7 'Popular ideas about language learning revisited'

Patsy Lightbown & Nina Spada

Format: e-book

New 4th edition of Lightbown and Spada's prize-winning readable introduction to research in language acquisition.

Buy and read Chapter 7 'Popular ideas about language learning revisited'.

How Languages are Learned e-book Chapter 5


Chapter 5 'Observing learning and teaching in the second language classroom'

Patsy Lightbown & Nina Spada

Format: e-book

New 4th edition of Lightbown and Spada's prize-winning readable introduction to research in language acquisition.

Buy and read Chapter 5 'Observing learning and teaching in the second language classroom'.

How Languages are Learned e-book Chapter 6


Chapter 6 'Second language learning in the classroom'

Patsy Lightbown & Nina Spada

Format: e-book

New 4th edition of Lightbown and Spada's prize-winning readable introduction to research in language acquisition.

Buy and read Chapter 6 'Second language learning in the classroom'.

How Languages are Learned e-book Chapter 1


Chapter 1 'Language learning in early childhood'

Patsy Lightbown & Nina Spada

Format: e-book

New 4th edition of Lightbown and Spada's prize-winning readable introduction to research in language acquisition.

Buy and read Chapter 1 'Language learning in early childhood'.

How Languages are Learned e-book Chapter 2


Chapter 2 'Second language learning'.

Patsy Lightbown & Nina Spada

Format: e-book

New 4th edition of Lightbown and Spada's prize-winning readable introduction to research in language acquisition.

Buy and read Chapter 2 'Second language learning'.

How Languages are Learned e-book Chapter 3


Chapter 3 'Individual differences in second language learning'

Patsy Lightbown & Nina Spada

Format: e-book

New 4th edition of Lightbown and Spada's prize-winning readable introduction to research in language acquisition.

Buy and read Chapter 3 'Individual differences in second language learning'.

Teaching Young Language Learners e-Book


Second Edition

Annamaria Pinter

Format: e-book

This fully updated second edition provides a comprehensive and readable introduction to teaching young learners. It gives an accessible overview of the issues, including child development, L1 and L2 learning, L2 skills, vocabulary and grammar, learning to learn, materials design, and policy issues. Integrating theory and practice in an accessible way, it draws on up-to-date research and classroom practice that is internationally relevant.

Teaching Young Language Learners e-Book for Kindle


Second Edition

Annamaria Pinter

Format: e-book

This fully updated second edition provides a comprehensive and readable introduction to teaching young learners. It gives an accessible overview of the issues, including child development, L1 and L2 learning, L2 skills, vocabulary and grammar, learning to learn, materials design, and policy issues. Integrating theory and practice in an accessible way, it draws on up-to-date research and classroom practice that is internationally relevant.

Teaching Young Language Learners


Second Edition

Annamaria Pinter

Format: Paperback

This fully updated second edition provides a comprehensive and readable introduction to teaching young learners. It gives an accessible overview of the issues, including child development, L1 and L2 learning, L2 skills, vocabulary and grammar, learning to learn, materials design, and policy issues. Integrating theory and practice in an accessible way, it draws on up-to-date research and classroom practice that is internationally relevant.

Focus on Learning Technologies


Nicky Hockly

Format: Paperback

Language Level: Advanced

Focus on Learning Technologies helps teachers understand the role of digital technologies in supporting language learning for second or foreign language learners aged 5-18.

Focus on Grammar and Meaning e-Book Focus On Grammar & Meaning Epub Format


Luciana C. de Oliveira and Mary J. Schleppegrell

Format: e-book

Focus on Grammar and Meaning explores how to teach grammar effectively to second or foreign language learners aged 5-18.

Focus on Grammar and Meaning e-Book for Kindle Focus On Grammar & Meaning Mobi Format


Luciana C. de Oliveira and Mary J. Schleppegrell

Format: e-book

Focus on Grammar and Meaning explores how to teach grammar effectively to second or foreign language learners aged 5-18.

Exploring Psychology in Language Learning and Teaching


Marion Williams, Sarah Mercer and Stephen Ryan

Format: Paperback

This book explores key areas of educational and social psychology and considers their relevance to language teaching, using activities and questions for reflection. Issues discussed include learners' and teachers' beliefs about how a subject should be learned and taught, relationships with others, and the role of emotions in learning.

Focus on Grammar and Meaning


Luciana C. de Oliveira and Mary J. Schleppegrell

Format: Paperback

Focus on Grammar and Meaning explores how to teach grammar effectively to second or foreign language learners aged 5-18.

Focus on Literacy e-book for Kindle


Danling Fu and Marylou M Matoush

Format: e-book

Focus on Literacy explores research on second language literacy development and how such research can inform instructional decision-making for teachers of students aged 5-18.

Oxford Key Concepts for the Language Classroom Focus On Assessment


Research-led guide helping teachers understand, design, implement, and evaluate language assessment

Eunice Jang

Format: Paperback

help you relate research and theory on language assessment to your own teaching context.

Oxford Key Concepts for the Language Classroom Focus on Oral Interaction


Focus on Oral Interaction

Rhonda Oliver and Jenefer Philp

Format: Paperback

oral interaction to your own teaching context.

English for Academic Purposes e-book


A comprehensive overview of EAP and how it is best taught and learnt in a variety of academic contexts

Edward de Chazal

Format: e-book

A comprehensive and up-to-date overview of research in the field of English for Academic Purposes, presenting typical and best practice, and providing practical suggestions for developing materials to promote both language and skills.

English for Academic Purposes e-Book for Kindle


A comprehensive overview of EAP and how it is best taught and learnt in a variety of academic contexts

Edward de Chazal

Format: e-book

Each title in the series is intended to serve both as a basis for training courses and seminars, and as a reference text.

Focus on Content-Based Language Teaching e-Book for Kindle Focus On Content Based Language Teaching Mobi Format


Research-led guide examining instructional practices that address the challenges of content-based language teaching

Patsy M. Lightbown

Format: e-book

Referencing classroom- based research and classroom vignettes, Focus on Content-Based Language Teaching examines the challenges of teaching a second or foreign language alongside another academic subject.

Focus on Content-Based Language Teaching e-book


Research-led guide examining instructional practices that address the challenges of content-based language teaching

Patsy M. Lightbown

Format: Electronic Text

Referencing classroom- based research and classroom vignettes, Focus on Content-Based Language Teaching examines the challenges of teaching a second or foreign language alongside another academic subject.

Focus on Content-Based Language Teaching highlights important research and evidence-based instructional practices for overcoming the challenges of teaching a second or foreign language alongside another academic subject. Extracts from classroom data provide real-life examples of teachers and students interacting with each other in different approaches to content-based language teaching, showing how theory relates to practice. Activities help you relate research and theory on content-based language teaching to your own teaching context.

This book is part of the Oxford Key Concepts for the Language Classroom series, focusing on key topics for teaching English as a second or foreign language. These research-led instructional guides link the theories of second language acquisition and pedagogy with classroom practice, helping you to reflect on what needs to happen in the language classroom.

USD 30.80
 + Sales Tax

Focus On Oral Interaction e-book


Focus on Oral Interaction

Rhonda Oliver and Jenefer Philp

Format: Electronic Text

Referencing classroom-based research and classroom vignettes,Focus on Oral Interaction explores the role of oral interaction for second language learning with a special focus on school-age English language learners.

Key areas covered include formulaic and creative language use, the different ways of scaffolding learning, the use of corrective feedback, the relationship between oral interaction and print literacy, as well as differences that learner aptitude and motivation make to language learning. Additional activities are provided to help teachers relate the content to their own teaching context.

Focus on Oral Interaction explores the role of oral interaction for second language learning from cognitive, social, pedagogical, and linguistic perspectives, with a focus on research relevant to English language learners aged 6-16. It emphasizes the important role played by oral language in classrooms. Featuring real classroom data and summaries of research studies, Focus on Oral Interaction shows you how theory relates to practice. Activities help you relate research and theory on oral interaction to your own teaching context.

USD 30.80
 + Sales Tax

Focus on Oral Interaction e-Book for Kindle Focus On Oral Interaction Mobi Format


Focus on Oral Interaction

Rhonda Oliver and Jenefer Philp

Format: e-book

Referencing classroom-based research and classroom vignettes, Focus on Oral Interaction explores the role of oral interaction for second language learning with a special focus on school-age English language learners.

Focus On Assessment e-book


Research-led guide helping teachers understand, design, implement, and evaluate language assessment

Eunice Eunhee Jang

Format: Electronic Text

Referencing classroom-based research and classroom vignettes,Focus on Assessment helps you to understand research evidence in language assessment for students aged 6-16. It develops your ability to design, implement, and critically evaluate language assessment.

Focus on Assessment recognizes the multiple roles teachers play in language assessment and the importance of teacher assessment competence. It explores key areas of teaching and assessment, such as ensuring a positive assessment experience, the importance of cognitively rich tasks that measure essential core language skills, and promoting learner autonomy.

Examples from real classroom practice and key research studies are an integral part of the book, with activities to help you relate research and theory on language assessment to your own teaching context.

USD 30.80
 + Sales Tax

Focus on Assessment e-Book for Kindle Focus On Assessment Mobi Format


Research-led guide helping teachers understand, design, implement, and evaluate language assessment

Eunice Eunhee Jang

Format: e-book

Referencing classroom-based research and classroom vignettes, Focus on Assessment helps you to understand research evidence in language assessment for students aged 6-16. It develops your ability to design, implement, and critically evaluate language assessment.

Oxford Key Concepts for the Language Classroom


Patsy M. Lightbown and Nina Spada

These research-led instructional guides link the theories of second language acquisition and pedagogy with classroom practice, enabling teachers to reflect on what happens in the language classroom. The series editors, Patsy M. Lightbown and Nina Spada, are highly respected worldwide for making theory and research about language learning accessible and relevant to classroom teaching.

Focus On Content-Based Language Teaching


Research-led guide examining instructional practices that address the challenges of content-based language teaching

Patsy M. Lightbown

Format: Paperback

Referencing classroom- based research and classroom vignettes, Focus on Content-Based Language Teaching examines the challenges of teaching a second or foreign language alongside another academic subject.

The Internet e-book


Scott Windeatt and David Hardisty

Format: Electronic Text

This book offers activities based around the Internet, including searching on the Web, creating language-learning material, and communicating using the Internet. Opens up new opportunities for language learning, with the World Wide Web providing access to material on almost any topic.

USD 35.20
 + Sales Tax

Useful and free

Beginners e-book


Peter Grundy

Format: Electronic Text

This book contains over 100 activities for both absolute and 'false' beginners, and for adults and children.

USD 38.50
 + Sales Tax

Useful and free

Pronunciation e-book


Clement Laroy

Format: Electronic Text

This book tackles all the basic problems of pronunciation teaching and suggests ways students can improve their techniques. It provides a rich resource of imaginative ideas and techniques for teaching pronunciation.

USD 38.50
 + Sales Tax

Useful and free

Newspapers e-book


Peter Grundy

Format: Electronic Text

This book features creative yet practical ideas for making effective use of newspapers in the language classroom.

USD 38.50
 + Sales Tax

Useful and free

Learner-based Teaching e-book


Colin Campbell and Hanna Kriyszwska

Format: Electronic Text

This book includes 70 language practice activities that make use of the wealth of knowledge, experience, and expertise that students bring to the classroom.

USD 38.50
 + Sales Tax

Useful and free

Grammar Dictation e-book


Ruth Wajnryb

Format: Electronic Text

Grammar Dictation offers an innovative approach to the study of grammar in the language classroom - the 'grammar dictation' or 'dictogloss' procedure. A text is dictated at normal speed, after which students try and reconstruct their own version of the original text. The correction process then enables students to understand their errors and the language options available to them.

USD 38.50
 + Sales Tax

Useful and free

Cultural Awareness e-book


Barry Tomalin and Susan Stempleski

Format: Electronic Text

This book features activities to increase cultural awareness and interaction among students. It gives teachers practical and specific guidance on how to help learners improve their cross-cultural communication skills.

USD 38.50
 + Sales Tax

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Storybuilding e-book


Jane Spiro

Format: Electronic Text

This book offers a carefully-structured series of activities which, in a non-threatening way, guides learners to write their own stories.

The range of language practised includes speaking and writing skills, tenses, descriptive adjectives, reporting verbs, direct speech, functions, discussion and argument, letters and diaries.

USD 38.50
 + Sales Tax

Useful and free

Classroom Dynamics e-book


Jill Hadfield

Format: Electronic Text

This book Explores the problems teachers have managing groups, and suggests various strategies which can be used to lead groups more effectively.

It provides activities suitable for classes of all levels of general or specialized English courses.

USD 38.50
 + Sales Tax

Useful and free

A Handbook of Classroom English e-Book for Kindle


Format: e-book

Each title in the series is intended to serve both as a basis for training courses and seminars, and as a reference text.

Success in English Teaching e-book


Paul Davies and Eric Pearse

Format: Electronic Text

An introduction to teaching English in a range of situations for initial teacher training courses and non native-speaker teachers.

This is a comprehensive and readable introduction to teaching English. It is ideal for initial teacher training, but also provides guidance and fresh ideas for more experienced teachers. It offers realistic ways of achieving success even with large classes and limited resources.

Whether you are a pre-service trainee, a practising teacher, or a teacher-trainer, Success in English Teaching is an invaluable source of insights and practical suggestions.

The authors draw on their own experience as teacher trainers to help teachers to prepare for a wide range of teaching situations, including ones where classes are large and resources limited.

USD 39.60
 + Sales Tax

Drama and Improvisation e-book


Ken Wilson

Format: Electronic Text

Designed to enliven English classes through drama activities and activate students' imagination and creativity.

Fifty-six classroom activities requiring minimal preparation, ranging from shorter and less demanding to longer and more complex activities, culminating in a series of original dramatic sketches.

USD 38.50
 + Sales Tax

Useful and free

Teaching American English Pronunciation e-book


Peter Avery and Susan Ehrilch

Format: Electronic Text

A complete introduction to teaching the pronunciation of North American English specifically for teachers of English as a second language (ESL)

This introduction to the pronunciation of American English describes the sound system, suggests ways of tackling pronunciation problems, and provides a variety of techniques and exercises for use in the classroom.

As an ESL teacher, have you looked at the phonetics textbooks on the market and decided that they don't directly address your needs? Unlike pronunciation books aimed at students of linguistics or at learners of English, Teaching American English Pronunciation has been written specifically for ESL teachers. It doesn't only give academic descriptions, but also helps you to improve your students' pronunciation effectively. It provides the descriptive knowledge needed to teach pronunciation effectively. But it is also full of practical teaching ideas.

USD 39.60
 + Sales Tax

Cross-Curricular Resources for Young Learners e-book for Kindle


Format: e-book

Each title in the series is intended to serve both as a basis for training courses and seminars, and as a reference text.

Success in English Teaching e-book for Kindle


Paul Davies and Eric Pearse

Format: e-book

Each title in the series is intended to serve both as a basis for training courses and seminars, and as a reference text.

Teaching American English Pronunciation e-book for Kindle


Peter Avery and Susan Ehrlich

Format: e-book

Each title in the series is intended to serve both as a basis for training courses and seminars, and as a reference text.

Music and Song e-book


Tim Murphey

Format: Electronic Text

This book describes how a piece of music can be integrated into a language classroom to teach a variety of skills.

USD 38.50
 + Sales Tax

Useful and free

Doing Task-Based Teaching e-book


Dave Willis and Jane Willis

Format: Electronic Text

A practical guide to task-based teaching for ELT training courses and practising teachers.

This book provides teachers with a better understanding of task-based learning and how it works, including how to incorporate tasks with textbook material.

Task-based teaching has created enormous interest among teachers in recent years. But how does the idea of designing tasks (e.g. discussions, problems, games) that encourage learners to use real language work in practice?

This book explains the basic principles behind task-based learning and teaching and gives practical examples of how to make it work in different teaching situations.

USD 40.70
 + Sales Tax

Doing Task-Based Teaching e-Book for Kindle


Dave Willis and Jane Willis

Format: e-book

Each title in the series is intended to serve both as a basis for training courses and seminars, and as a reference text.

Technology Enhanced Language Learning e-book


Format: e-book

Each title in the series is intended to serve both as a basis for training courses and seminars, and as a reference text.

From Experience to Knowledge in ELT e-Book for Kindle


Julian Edge and Sue Garton

Format: e-book

Each title in the series is intended to serve both as a basis for training courses and seminars, and as a reference text.

How Languages are Learned


Fourth Edition

This prize-winning, readable introduction to research in language acquisition is recommended reading for second language teachers worldwide

Patsy Lightbown and Nina Spada

Format: Paperback

New 4th edition of Lightbown and Spada's prize-winning readable introduction to research in language acquisition

Teaching Other Subjects Through English e-book


Sheelagh Deller and Christine Price

Format: Electronic Text

CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) has attracted great interest in recent years, especially in Europe but increasingly more widely in the world. This book provides practical, classroom-tested activities that can be used when teaching any subject.

This book offers over 60 activities especially suited to middle school and high school teachers who teach other subjects through English.

USD 38.50
 + Sales Tax

Useful and free

From Experience to Knowledge in ELT e-book


Julian Edge and Sue Garton

Format: Electronic Text

How can you turn your teaching experience into practical knowledge that will make you a better teacher in the future?
Using extracts from classroom language and published coursebooks as examples, From Experience to Knowledge in ELT shows you strategies and ideas that will work with your students and that will help you to develop your own personal teaching style.

From Experience to Knowledge in ELT helps you to understand what you have already learned through your teaching and use that new understanding to improve your teaching and develop a personal teaching style of your own.

Rather than presenting you with abstract theories, this book encourages you to reflect on and draw on your own teaching experience in order to decide on your own principles of good practice and then apply them to your teaching.

The book uses extracts from classroom language and published coursebooks as examples. It is organized in two parts, each containing chapters on specific aspects of teaching and learning

USD 39.30
 + Sales Tax

How Languages are Learned Fourth Edition e-Book for Kindle


Fourth Edition

Patsy Lightbown and Nina Spada

Format: e-book

New 4th edition of Lightbown and Spada's prize-winning readable introduction to research in language acquisition

Resource Books for Teachers


Series Editor: Alan Maley

This very popular series gives teachers practical advice and guidance, together with resource ideas and materials for the classroom.

Useful and free

Drama and Improvisation


Series Editor: Alan Maley

Format: Paperback

Designed to enliven English classes through drama activities and activate students' imagination and creativity.

Useful and free

Word Knowledge


A Vocabulary Teacher's Handbook

Cheryl Boyd Zimmerman

Format: Paperback

To know a word means to know a great deal about it-including its meaning, collocations, grammatical features, derivations, register and appropriateness. This book presents useful and practical strategies to help readers identify learner errors, provide helpful feedback and recognize features that may be problematic. It also offers techniques for encouraging students to become independent word learners.



Gordon Lewis

Format: Paperback

This book encourages learners to notice how language works, promotes cultural awareness, develops creative thinking and problem-solving skills.



Scott Thornbury

Format: Paperback

This book helps teachers become more versatile and resourceful in teaching grammar.

Useful and free

Global Issues


Ricardo Sampedro and Susan Hillyard
Series Editor: Alan Maley

Format: Paperback

Focuses on real-world issues to encourage communication skills, reflection, and critical thinking. By Ricardo Sampedro and Susan Hillyard. Part of the Resource Books for Teachers series.

Useful and free

Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers


Each title in the series is intended to serve both as a basis for training courses and seminars, and as a reference text.

Classroom Dynamics


Jill Hadfield
Series Editor: Alan Maley

Format: Paperback

Explores the problems teachers have managing groups, and suggests various strategies which can be used to lead groups more effectively. By Jill Hadfield. Part of the Resource Books for Teachers series.

Teaching American English Pronunciation


A textbook and reference manual on teaching the pronunciation of North American English, written specifically for teachers of English as a second Language (ESL)

Peter Avery and Susan Ehrlich

Format: Paperback

This introduction to the pronunciation of American English describes the sound system, suggests ways of tackling pronunciation problems, and provides a variety of techniques and exercises for use in the classroom.

Generation Alpha in the Classroom: New approaches to Learning


Erika Galea Olga Sayer

Format: Paperback

Language Level: A2-C2

Generation Alpha in the Classroom: New approaches to learning explores the distinctiveness of Generation Alpha students and considers the neuroscience behind their behaviour.