Product Information Teaching Resources

For Professional Development (12)

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Oxford Key Concepts for the Language Classroom Focus On Assessment


Research-led guide helping teachers understand, design, implement, and evaluate language assessment

Eunice Jang

Format: Paperback

help you relate research and theory on language assessment to your own teaching context.

English for Academic Purposes e-book


A comprehensive overview of EAP and how it is best taught and learnt in a variety of academic contexts

Edward de Chazal

Format: e-book

A comprehensive and up-to-date overview of research in the field of English for Academic Purposes, presenting typical and best practice, and providing practical suggestions for developing materials to promote both language and skills.

English for Academic Purposes e-Book for Kindle


A comprehensive overview of EAP and how it is best taught and learnt in a variety of academic contexts

Edward de Chazal

Format: e-book

Each title in the series is intended to serve both as a basis for training courses and seminars, and as a reference text.

Focus On Assessment e-book


Research-led guide helping teachers understand, design, implement, and evaluate language assessment

Eunice Eunhee Jang

Format: Electronic Text

Referencing classroom-based research and classroom vignettes,Focus on Assessment helps you to understand research evidence in language assessment for students aged 6-16. It develops your ability to design, implement, and critically evaluate language assessment.

Focus on Assessment recognizes the multiple roles teachers play in language assessment and the importance of teacher assessment competence. It explores key areas of teaching and assessment, such as ensuring a positive assessment experience, the importance of cognitively rich tasks that measure essential core language skills, and promoting learner autonomy.

Examples from real classroom practice and key research studies are an integral part of the book, with activities to help you relate research and theory on language assessment to your own teaching context.

USD 30.80
 + Sales Tax

Focus on Assessment e-Book for Kindle Focus On Assessment Mobi Format


Research-led guide helping teachers understand, design, implement, and evaluate language assessment

Eunice Eunhee Jang

Format: e-book

Referencing classroom-based research and classroom vignettes, Focus on Assessment helps you to understand research evidence in language assessment for students aged 6-16. It develops your ability to design, implement, and critically evaluate language assessment.

Classroom Dynamics e-book


Jill Hadfield

Format: Electronic Text

This book Explores the problems teachers have managing groups, and suggests various strategies which can be used to lead groups more effectively.

It provides activities suitable for classes of all levels of general or specialized English courses.

USD 38.50
 + Sales Tax

A Handbook of Classroom English e-Book for Kindle


Format: e-book

Each title in the series is intended to serve both as a basis for training courses and seminars, and as a reference text.

Success in English Teaching e-book


Paul Davies and Eric Pearse

Format: Electronic Text

An introduction to teaching English in a range of situations for initial teacher training courses and non native-speaker teachers.

This is a comprehensive and readable introduction to teaching English. It is ideal for initial teacher training, but also provides guidance and fresh ideas for more experienced teachers. It offers realistic ways of achieving success even with large classes and limited resources.

Whether you are a pre-service trainee, a practising teacher, or a teacher-trainer, Success in English Teaching is an invaluable source of insights and practical suggestions.

The authors draw on their own experience as teacher trainers to help teachers to prepare for a wide range of teaching situations, including ones where classes are large and resources limited.

USD 39.60
 + Sales Tax

Success in English Teaching e-book for Kindle


Paul Davies and Eric Pearse

Format: e-book

Each title in the series is intended to serve both as a basis for training courses and seminars, and as a reference text.

From Experience to Knowledge in ELT e-Book for Kindle


Julian Edge and Sue Garton

Format: e-book

Each title in the series is intended to serve both as a basis for training courses and seminars, and as a reference text.