For Professional Development (8) Refine by Sort by Sort by Title (A to Z) Title (Z to A) Newest first Newest last Sort View mode: List view Grid view Language Assessment for Classroom Teachers (e-Book) Catalog Classroom-based language assessments: why, when, what and how? Lyle Bachman and Barbara Damböck Format: e-book An entirely new approach to developing and using classroom-based language assessments. Buy from Language Assessment for Classroom Teachers (e-book for Kindle) Catalog Classroom-based language assessments: why, when, what and how? Lyle Bachman and Barbara Damböck Format: e-book An entirely new approach to developing and using classroom-based language assessments. Buy from Language Assessment for Classroom Teachers Catalog Classroom-based language assessments: why, when, what and how? Lyle Bachman and Barbara Damböck Format: Paperback An entirely new approach to developing and using classroom-based language assessments. Buy from Look inside Oxford Key Concepts for the Language Classroom Focus On Assessment Catalog Research-led guide helping teachers understand, design, implement, and evaluate language assessment Eunice Jang Format: Paperback help you relate research and theory on language assessment to your own teaching context. Buy from Look inside Focus On Assessment e-book Catalog Research-led guide helping teachers understand, design, implement, and evaluate language assessment Eunice Eunhee Jang Format: Electronic Text Referencing classroom-based research and classroom vignettes,Focus on Assessment helps you to understand research evidence in language assessment for students aged 6-16. It develops your ability to design, implement, and critically evaluate language assessment. Focus on Assessment recognizes the multiple roles teachers play in language assessment and the importance of teacher assessment competence. It explores key areas of teaching and assessment, such as ensuring a positive assessment experience, the importance of cognitively rich tasks that measure essential core language skills, and promoting learner autonomy. Examples from real classroom practice and key research studies are an integral part of the book, with activities to help you relate research and theory on language assessment to your own teaching context. USD 30.80 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Focus on Assessment e-Book for Kindle Focus On Assessment Mobi Format Catalog Research-led guide helping teachers understand, design, implement, and evaluate language assessment Eunice Eunhee Jang Format: e-book Referencing classroom-based research and classroom vignettes, Focus on Assessment helps you to understand research evidence in language assessment for students aged 6-16. It develops your ability to design, implement, and critically evaluate language assessment. Buy from Cultural Awareness e-book Catalog Barry Tomalin and Susan Stempleski Format: Electronic Text This book features activities to increase cultural awareness and interaction among students. It gives teachers practical and specific guidance on how to help learners improve their cross-cultural communication skills. USD 38.50 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Global Issues Catalog Ricardo Sampedro and Susan HillyardSeries Editor: Alan Maley Format: Paperback Focuses on real-world issues to encourage communication skills, reflection, and critical thinking. By Ricardo Sampedro and Susan Hillyard. Part of the Resource Books for Teachers series. Buy from Refine by Clear all Professional Development Applied linguistics (9) Assessment (6) Communication & Collaboration (7) Culture & Citizenship (2) Digital Technology & Multimedia (6) English for Specific Purposes (2) Empowerment, Agency, & Wellbeing (2) Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation (13) Performance arts & activities (11) Your Personal Development (1) Managing and Motivating Learners (22) Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking (6) SEN & Inclusivity (1) Teaching Approaches (Projects, CLIL, etc.) (41) Organisational & management skills (10) Media Type Paperback (3) e-Book (5)