For Professional Development (2) Refine by Sort by Sort by Title (A to Z) Title (Z to A) Newest first Newest last Sort View mode: List view Grid view Exploring Psychology in Language Learning and Teaching Catalog Marion Williams, Sarah Mercer and Stephen Ryan Format: Paperback This book explores key areas of educational and social psychology and considers their relevance to language teaching, using activities and questions for reflection. Issues discussed include learners' and teachers' beliefs about how a subject should be learned and taught, relationships with others, and the role of emotions in learning. Buy from Global Issues Catalog Ricardo Sampedro and Susan HillyardSeries Editor: Alan Maley Format: Paperback Focuses on real-world issues to encourage communication skills, reflection, and critical thinking. By Ricardo Sampedro and Susan Hillyard. Part of the Resource Books for Teachers series. Buy from Refine by Clear all Professional Development Applied linguistics (1) Assessment (2) Communication & Collaboration (2) Culture & Citizenship (1) Digital Technology & Multimedia (1) Empowerment, Agency, & Wellbeing (2) Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation (5) Performance arts & activities (2) Managing and Motivating Learners (4) Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking (1) Teaching Approaches (Projects, CLIL, etc.) (9) Organisational & management skills (2) Media Type Paperback (2)