For Applied Linguistics (55)

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Second Language Learning in the Early School Years: Trends and Contexts e-book


Victoria Murphy

Format: Electronic Text

Second Language Learning in the Early School Years: Trends and Contexts provides a detailed exploration of second language learning in the early years, examining past and present research evidence on bilingualism, second language, and foreign language learning in childhood, and arguing that young children can learn multiple languages without adverse effect on their overall language development in any of their languages.

USD 47.90
 + Sales Tax

Teaching Language as Communication e-book


H G Widdowson

Format: Electronic Text

This book develops a rational approach to the teaching of language as communication, based on a careful consideration of the nature of language and of the language user's activities. It will stimulate all language teachers to investigate the ideas that inform their own practice.

USD 47.90
 + Sales Tax

Conversational Interaction in Second Language Acquisition e-book


Alison Mackey

Format: Electronic Text

This edited collection of empirical studies provides insights into a wide variety of issues at the center of current research into the relationship between conversational interaction and second language learning outcomes.

USD 61.50
 + Sales Tax

Form-focused Instruction and Teacher Education e-book


Sandra Fotos and Hossein Nassaji

Format: Electronic Text

An overview of form-focused instruction as an option for second language grammar teaching. It combines theoretical concerns, classroom practices, and teacher education.

USD 51.60
 + Sales Tax

Formulaic Language: Pushing the Boundaries e-book


Alison Wray

Format: Electronic Text

Examines how formulaic language ("lexical chunks") is used in a variety of real-life situations.

Presents a framework for examining the existence and function of formulaic language and tests it extensively against language data within a wide variety of language samples. Formulaic language is a fast-growing area of applied linguistic research, and the author is a key figure in this field.

USD 51.60
 + Sales Tax

Form-focused Instruction and Teacher Education e-book for Kindle


Sandra Fotos and Hossein Nassaji

Format: e-book

Second Language Research Methods e-book


H W Seliger and E Shohamy

Format: Electronic Text

Based on a set of four research parameters, this book discusses the development of research questions and hypotheses, naturalistic and experimental research, data collection, and validation of research instruments. Each chapter includes examples and activities.
Are you about to start a Master's degree where you will be carrying out research for the first time? Or do you refer to research in your work as a teacher, teacher trainer, or materials writer? However you are involved with research, this book will give you a clear and thorough introduction to all the main types of language learning research.

USD 51.60
 + Sales Tax