For Applied Linguistics (8) Refine by Sort by Sort by Title (A to Z) Title (Z to A) Newest first Newest last Sort View mode: List view Grid view Fairness, Justice and Language Assessment (e-book for Kindle) Catalog Series Advisers: Anne Burns and Diane Larsen Freeman Format: e-book This book explores the difference between fairness and justice in language assessment, and shows how test fairness can be demonstrated and improved. Buy from Fairness, Justice and Language Assessment (e-book) Catalog Series Advisers: Anne Burns and Diane Larsen Freeman Format: e-book This book explores the difference between fairness and justice in language assessment, and shows how test fairness can be demonstrated and improved. Buy from Fairness, Justice and Language Assessment Catalog Series Advisers: Anne Burns and Diane Larsen Freeman Format: Paperback This book explores the difference between fairness and justice in language assessment, and shows how test fairness can be demonstrated and improved. Buy from Language Learner Strategies e-book Catalog Andrew D. Cohen and Ernesto Macaro Format: e-book Buy from Language Learner Strategies e-book Catalog Andrew D. Cohen and Ernesto Macaro Format: Electronic Text This book explores the notion that the reason some learners of second languages excel and others struggle lies in what the learners themselves do-the strategies they bring to language learning and to language use. USD 59.00 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Useful and free Teacher's Site The Psychology of Second Language Acquisition e-book Catalog Zoltan Dornyei Format: Electronic Text The Psychology of Second Language Acquisition offers a systematic and accessible overview of the main psychological areas and theories in order to keep abreast of the ongoing paradigm shift. Readers will find succinct and up-to-date descriptions of a wide range of psycholinguistic and neuropsychological topics such as language and the brain; neuroimaging and other research methods in psycholinguistics and brain research; non-nativist approaches to language acquisition; explicit/implicit learning and memory, procedural/declarative knowledge, and the automatization of language skills; learner characteristics, age effects, and the critical period hypothesis; and the psychological basis of language learning in educational contexts. USD 54.10 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart The Psychology of Second Language Acquisition e-book Catalog Zoltán Dörnyei Format: e-book Buy from The Psychology of Second Language Acquisition Catalog Zoltán Dörnyei Format: Paperback The Psychology of Second Language Acquisition offers a systematic and accessible overview of the main psychological areas and theories in order to keep abreast of the ongoing paradigm shift. Readers will find succinct and up-to-date descriptions of a wide range of psycholinguistic and neuropsychological topics such as language and the brain; neuroimaging and other research methods in psycholinguistics and brain research; non-nativist approaches to language acquisition; explicit/implicit learning and memory, procedural/declarative knowledge, and the automatization of language skills; learner characteristics, age effects, and the critical period hypothesis; and the psychological basis of language learning in educational contexts. Buy from Refine by Clear all Professional Development Applied linguistics (52) Assessment (6) Communication & Collaboration (12) Culture & Citizenship (11) English for Specific Purposes (1) Empowerment, Agency, & Wellbeing (8) Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation (2) Your Personal Development (16) Managing and Motivating Learners (7) Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking (4) Teaching Approaches (Projects, CLIL, etc.) (9) Organisational & management skills (3)