For Applied Linguistics (55) Refine by Sort by Sort by Title (A to Z) Title (Z to A) Newest first Newest last Sort View mode: List view Grid view Show 10 per page Language Assessment in Practice e-book Catalog Lyle Bachman and Adrian Palmer Format: e-book Presents an innovative, unified, and easily applied approach to designing and developing language assessments. Buy from Adolescent Second Language Learning and Multilingualism (e-book) Catalog Series Advisers: Anne Burns and Diane Larsen Freeman Format: e-book This is the first book dedicated exclusively to presenting the current state of scholarship on multilingual development and language use among adolescents. Drawing upon the fast-growing interdisciplinary field of youth studies, the book provides a detailed examination of the linguistic, cognitive, and literacy development of multilingual teenagers in home, school, community, and global contexts. Buy from Adolescent Second Language Learning and Multilingualism Catalog Series Advisers: Anne Burns and Diane Larsen Freeman Format: Paperback This is the first book dedicated exclusively to presenting the current state of scholarship on multilingual development and language use among adolescents. Drawing upon the fast-growing interdisciplinary field of youth studies, the book provides a detailed examination of the linguistic, cognitive, and literacy development of multilingual teenagers in home, school, community, and global contexts. Buy from Oxford Applied Linguistics Language Learning Motivation Catalog Series Advisers: Anne Burns and Diane Larsen Freeman Format: Paperback Ema Ushioda asks why we research language learning motivation, whose interests the research serves, and who ultimately benefits. Buy from Oxford Applied Linguistics Language Learning Motivation (e-book) Catalog Series Advisers: Anne Burns and Diane Larsen Freeman Format: e-book Ema Ushioda asks why we research language learning motivation, whose interests the research serves, and who ultimately benefits. Buy from Oxford Applied Linguistics Language Learning Motivation (e-book for kindle) Catalog Series Advisers: Anne Burns and Diane Larsen Freeman Format: e-book Ema Ushioda asks why we research language learning motivation, whose interests the research serves, and who ultimately benefits. Buy from Fairness, Justice and Language Assessment (e-book for Kindle) Catalog Series Advisers: Anne Burns and Diane Larsen Freeman Format: e-book This book explores the difference between fairness and justice in language assessment, and shows how test fairness can be demonstrated and improved. Buy from Fairness, Justice and Language Assessment (e-book) Catalog Series Advisers: Anne Burns and Diane Larsen Freeman Format: e-book This book explores the difference between fairness and justice in language assessment, and shows how test fairness can be demonstrated and improved. Buy from Fairness, Justice and Language Assessment Catalog Series Advisers: Anne Burns and Diane Larsen Freeman Format: Paperback This book explores the difference between fairness and justice in language assessment, and shows how test fairness can be demonstrated and improved. Buy from Second Language Pragmatics Catalog Naoko Taguchi and Carsten Roever Format: Paperback Taguchi and Roever present the latest developments in second language pragmatics research, combining acquisitional and sociolinguistic perspectives. Buy from Useful and free Teacher's Site Second Language Pragmatics e-Book Catalog Naoko Taguchi and Carsten Roever Format: Electronic Text Taguchi and Roever present the latest developments in second language pragmatics research, combining acquisitional and sociolinguistic perspectives. They cover theories of pragmatics learning and research methods in investigating pragmatics, linking these with findings on the acquisition of second language pragmatics and with practice in teaching and assessing pragmatics. Discussing pragmatics in the context of multilingual societies and diverse contexts of use, they offer a broad perspective on this growing area. USD 51.60 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Second Language Pragmatics e-Book for Kindle Catalog Naoko Taguchi and Carsten Roever Format: e-book Taguchi and Roever present the latest developments in second language pragmatics research, combining acquisitional and sociolinguistic perspectives. Buy from Educating Second Language Teachers e-book Catalog Donald Freeman Format: Electronic Text Donald Freeman examines how core ideas and practices in educating second language teachers relate to and differ from teacher education in other content areas. He weaves together research in general and second language teacher education with accounts of experience and practice to examine how background knowledge is defined in language teaching. USD 51.60 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Educating Second Language Teachers e-book for Kindle Catalog Donald Freeman Format: e-book Donald Freeman examines how core ideas and practices in educating second language teachers relate to and differ from teacher education in other content areas. He weaves together research in general and second language teacher education with accounts of experience and practice to examine how background knowledge is defined in language teaching. Buy from Educating Second Language Teachers Catalog Donald Freeman Format: Paperback Donald Freeman examines how core ideas and practices in educating second language teachers relate to and differ from teacher education in other content areas. He weaves together research in general and second language teacher education with accounts of experience and practice to examine how background knowledge is defined in language teaching. Buy from Academic Publishing: Issues and Challenges in the Construction of Knowledge e-Book for Kindle Catalog Ken Hyland Format: e-book Ken Hyland provides an authoritative discussion of key aspects of writing for academic publication. Buy from Academic Publishing: Issues and Challenges in the Construction of Knowledge e-Book Catalog Ken Hylans Format: Electronic Text Ken Hyland provides an authoritative discussion of key aspects of writing for academic publication. As well as outlining implications for pedagogy in the English-language classroom, Hyland fully evaluates the social practices surrounding knowledge creation and the political implications of global publishing. USD 51.60 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Understanding Second Language Acquisition e-book for Kindle Catalog Second Edition Rod Ellis Format: e-book This new, fully updated edition continues to provide an authoritative and highly readable introduction to key areas of theory and research in second language acquisition. Buy from Understanding Second Language Acquisition e-book Catalog Second Edition Rod Ellis Format: Electronic Text This new, fully updated edition continues to provide an authoritative and highly readable introduction to key areas of theory and research in second language acquisition. USD 54.10 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Understanding Second Language Acquisition Catalog Second Edition Rod Ellis Format: Paperback This new, fully updated edition continues to provide an authoritative and highly readable introduction to key areas of theory and research in second language acquisition. Buy from Second Language Learning in the Early School Years: Trends and Contexts e-Book for Kindle Catalog Victoria Murphy Format: e-book Buy from Second Language Learning in the Early School Years: Trends and Contexts e-book Catalog Victoria Murphy Format: Electronic Text Second Language Learning in the Early School Years: Trends and Contexts provides a detailed exploration of second language learning in the early years, examining past and present research evidence on bilingualism, second language, and foreign language learning in childhood, and arguing that young children can learn multiple languages without adverse effect on their overall language development in any of their languages. USD 47.90 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Teaching Language as Communication e-book Catalog H G Widdowson Format: Electronic Text This book develops a rational approach to the teaching of language as communication, based on a careful consideration of the nature of language and of the language user's activities. It will stimulate all language teachers to investigate the ideas that inform their own practice. USD 47.90 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Conversational Interaction in Second Language Acquisition e-book Catalog Alison Mackey Format: Electronic Text This edited collection of empirical studies provides insights into a wide variety of issues at the center of current research into the relationship between conversational interaction and second language learning outcomes. USD 61.50 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Form-focused Instruction and Teacher Education e-book Catalog Sandra Fotos and Hossein Nassaji Format: Electronic Text An overview of form-focused instruction as an option for second language grammar teaching. It combines theoretical concerns, classroom practices, and teacher education. USD 51.60 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Formulaic Language: Pushing the Boundaries e-book Catalog Alison Wray Format: Electronic Text Examines how formulaic language ("lexical chunks") is used in a variety of real-life situations. Presents a framework for examining the existence and function of formulaic language and tests it extensively against language data within a wide variety of language samples. Formulaic language is a fast-growing area of applied linguistic research, and the author is a key figure in this field. USD 51.60 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Formulaic Language: Pushing the Boundaries e-Book for Kindle Catalog Alison Wray Format: e-book Buy from Form-focused Instruction and Teacher Education e-book for Kindle Catalog Sandra Fotos and Hossein Nassaji Format: e-book Buy from Conversational Interaction in Second Language Acquisition e-Book for Kindle Catalog Alison Mackey Format: e-book Buy from Second Language Research Methods e-book Catalog H W Seliger and E Shohamy Format: Electronic Text Based on a set of four research parameters, this book discusses the development of research questions and hypotheses, naturalistic and experimental research, data collection, and validation of research instruments. Each chapter includes examples and activities. Are you about to start a Master's degree where you will be carrying out research for the first time? Or do you refer to research in your work as a teacher, teacher trainer, or materials writer? However you are involved with research, this book will give you a clear and thorough introduction to all the main types of language learning research. USD 51.60 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart The Struggle to teach English as an International Language e-book Catalog Adrian Holliday Format: Electronic Text This book is about the worlds and conflicts of TESOL teachers and researchers whose professional lives are both enriched and problematized by the cultural and political interfaces created by working with an international language. Central to this discussion is the balance of power in classroom and curriculum settings, the relationship between language, culture, and discourse, and the change in the ownership of English. English is the main language of international communication, and almost everyone wants to learn it. But which English should we teach, and how? In this book, Sandra Lee McKay challenges the cultural assumptions underlying much of the English teaching currently taking place. She looks at the implications of the spread of English as an international language for what we teach and how we teach it. USD 47.90 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart The Struggle to teach English as an International Language e-Book for Kindle Catalog Adrian Holliday Format: e-book Buy from Second Language Research Methods e-Book for Kindle Catalog H W Seliger and E Shohamy Format: e-book Buy from Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning e-book Catalog James P. Lantolf Format: Electronic Text This book represents a major statement of the current research being conducted into the learning of second languages from a sociocultural perspective. Topics covered include: learning and teaching languages in the zone of proximal development; L1 mediation in the acquisition of L2 grammar and sociocultural theory as a theory of second language learning. USD 51.60 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Language Learner Strategies e-book Catalog Andrew D. Cohen and Ernesto Macaro Format: e-book Buy from Language Learner Strategies e-book Catalog Andrew D. Cohen and Ernesto Macaro Format: Electronic Text This book explores the notion that the reason some learners of second languages excel and others struggle lies in what the learners themselves do-the strategies they bring to language learning and to language use. USD 59.00 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Useful and free Teacher's Site Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning e-Book for Kindle Catalog James P. Lantolf Format: e-book Buy from Input, Interaction and Corrective Feedback in L2 Learning e-book for Kindle Catalog Alison Mackey Format: e-book Buy from The Psychology of Second Language Acquisition e-book Catalog Zoltan Dornyei Format: Electronic Text The Psychology of Second Language Acquisition offers a systematic and accessible overview of the main psychological areas and theories in order to keep abreast of the ongoing paradigm shift. Readers will find succinct and up-to-date descriptions of a wide range of psycholinguistic and neuropsychological topics such as language and the brain; neuroimaging and other research methods in psycholinguistics and brain research; non-nativist approaches to language acquisition; explicit/implicit learning and memory, procedural/declarative knowledge, and the automatization of language skills; learner characteristics, age effects, and the critical period hypothesis; and the psychological basis of language learning in educational contexts. USD 54.10 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart The Multilingual Subject e-book for Kindle Catalog Claire Kramsch Format: e-book Buy from Look inside From Experience to Knowledge in ELT e-Book for Kindle Catalog Julian Edge and Sue Garton Format: e-book Each title in the series is intended to serve both as a basis for training courses and seminars, and as a reference text. Buy from Literacy and Second Language Oracy e-book for Kindle Catalog Elaine Tarone and Martha Bigelow Format: e-book Buy from Useful and free Teacher's Site Understanding English as a Lingua Franca e-book for Kindle Catalog Barbara Seidlhofer Format: e-book Buy from Input, Interaction, and Corrective Feedback in Learning e-book Catalog Alison Mackey Format: Electronic Text A study of the role of language input, interaction, and corrective feedback in second-language learning and Second Language Acquisition research. This book describes the processes involved in interaction-driven second language learning and presents a methodological framework for studying them. It provides a comprehensive and up-to date survey of the work on language interaction that has emerged over the past two decades, while also reflecting the recent shift to an exploration of cognitive and social factors in evaluating how interaction works. USD 51.60 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Literacy and Second Language Oracy e-book Catalog Elaine Tarone and Martha Bigelow Format: Electronic Text This book offers research evidence with a startling conclusion: language processing skills that have been assumed to be universal human traits appear instead to be a product of learners' experience with alphabetic print literacy. USD 47.90 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart The Psychology of Second Language Acquisition e-book Catalog Zoltán Dörnyei Format: e-book Buy from The Multilingual Subject e-book Catalog Claire Kramsch Format: Electronic Text This book explores the subjective aspects of language learning, skillfully integrating multiple levels of analysis, and bridging the gap between theory and practice. It analyzes data gathered from published testimonies and language memoirs of former language learners, spoken and written data from American college language learners, and online data from language learners in electronic chatrooms and text messaging exchanges. The author encourages readers to consider foreign language learning from new, diverse, and unique perspectives. USD 51.60 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Understanding English as a Lingua Franca e-book Catalog Barbara Seidlhofer Format: Electronic Text A clear explanation of the theories and principles underlying English as a Lingua Franca studies and how they relate to other areas of research. The number of English speakers in the world continues to grow, but the vast majority are non-native speakers using English to communicate with each other, rather than with native speakers. This book examines the use of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) from various perspectives. It explores the various ways in which ELF represents a challenge to the predominance of the native-speaker model, as well as its implications for other fields of linguistic research and for English language teaching. USD 47.90 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart The Psychology of Second Language Acquisition Catalog Zoltán Dörnyei Format: Paperback The Psychology of Second Language Acquisition offers a systematic and accessible overview of the main psychological areas and theories in order to keep abreast of the ongoing paradigm shift. Readers will find succinct and up-to-date descriptions of a wide range of psycholinguistic and neuropsychological topics such as language and the brain; neuroimaging and other research methods in psycholinguistics and brain research; non-nativist approaches to language acquisition; explicit/implicit learning and memory, procedural/declarative knowledge, and the automatization of language skills; learner characteristics, age effects, and the critical period hypothesis; and the psychological basis of language learning in educational contexts. Buy from Complex Systems and Applied Linguistics Catalog Diane Larsen-Freeman and Lynne Cameron Format: Paperback This book introduces key concepts in complexity theory and demonstrates the applicability and usefulness of these concepts to a range of areas in applied linguistics, including first and second language development, language teaching, and discourse analysis. Buy from Research Methods in Applied Linguistics Catalog Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methodologies Zoltán Dörnyei Format: Paperback This is a very practical and accessible book that offers a comprehensive overview of research methodology in applied linguistics by describing the various stages of qualitative and quantitative investigations, from collecting the data to reporting the results. It also discusses 'mixed methods research', that is, the various combinations of qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Buy from Task-based Language Learning and Teaching Catalog Rod Ellis Format: Paperback This book explores the relationship between research, teaching, and tasks, and shows how research and task-based teaching can mutually inform each other and illuminated the areas of task-based course design, methodology, and assessment. Buy from Linguistic Imperialism Catalog Robert Phillipson Format: Paperback This book explores English as an international language, and how and why it has become so dominant. Buy from Applied Linguistics Journal Catalog Research into language with relevance to real-world problems. Applied Linguistics publishes research into language with relevance to real world problems. It promotes principled and multidisciplinary approaches to research on language-related concerns in the various fields encompassed by applied linguistics. Buy from Look inside Oxford Applied Linguistics Catalog Series Advisers: Anne Burns and Diane Larsen Freeman Home to the most innovative studies in its field, the Oxford Applied Linguistics series furthers research in English teaching and learning, and provides strong foundations for language pedagogy. Buy from Show 10 per page Refine by Professional Development Applied linguistics (52) Assessment (6) Communication & Collaboration (12) Culture & Citizenship (11) English for Specific Purposes (1) Empowerment, Agency, & Wellbeing (8) Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation (2) Your Personal Development (16) Managing and Motivating Learners (7) Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking (4) Teaching Approaches (Projects, CLIL, etc.) (9) Organisational & management skills (3) Show only Course or Series (1)