For Applied Linguistics (12) Refine by Sort by Sort by Title (A to Z) Title (Z to A) Newest first Newest last Sort View mode: List view Grid view Previous 1 of 2 1 2 Next Show all Adolescent Second Language Learning and Multilingualism (e-book) Catalog Series Advisers: Anne Burns and Diane Larsen Freeman Format: e-book This is the first book dedicated exclusively to presenting the current state of scholarship on multilingual development and language use among adolescents. Drawing upon the fast-growing interdisciplinary field of youth studies, the book provides a detailed examination of the linguistic, cognitive, and literacy development of multilingual teenagers in home, school, community, and global contexts. Buy from Adolescent Second Language Learning and Multilingualism Catalog Series Advisers: Anne Burns and Diane Larsen Freeman Format: Paperback This is the first book dedicated exclusively to presenting the current state of scholarship on multilingual development and language use among adolescents. Drawing upon the fast-growing interdisciplinary field of youth studies, the book provides a detailed examination of the linguistic, cognitive, and literacy development of multilingual teenagers in home, school, community, and global contexts. Buy from The Struggle to teach English as an International Language e-book Catalog Adrian Holliday Format: Electronic Text This book is about the worlds and conflicts of TESOL teachers and researchers whose professional lives are both enriched and problematized by the cultural and political interfaces created by working with an international language. Central to this discussion is the balance of power in classroom and curriculum settings, the relationship between language, culture, and discourse, and the change in the ownership of English. English is the main language of international communication, and almost everyone wants to learn it. But which English should we teach, and how? In this book, Sandra Lee McKay challenges the cultural assumptions underlying much of the English teaching currently taking place. She looks at the implications of the spread of English as an international language for what we teach and how we teach it. USD 47.90 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart The Struggle to teach English as an International Language e-Book for Kindle Catalog Adrian Holliday Format: e-book Buy from Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning e-book Catalog James P. Lantolf Format: Electronic Text This book represents a major statement of the current research being conducted into the learning of second languages from a sociocultural perspective. Topics covered include: learning and teaching languages in the zone of proximal development; L1 mediation in the acquisition of L2 grammar and sociocultural theory as a theory of second language learning. USD 51.60 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning e-Book for Kindle Catalog James P. Lantolf Format: e-book Buy from The Multilingual Subject e-book for Kindle Catalog Claire Kramsch Format: e-book Buy from Understanding English as a Lingua Franca e-book for Kindle Catalog Barbara Seidlhofer Format: e-book Buy from The Multilingual Subject e-book Catalog Claire Kramsch Format: Electronic Text This book explores the subjective aspects of language learning, skillfully integrating multiple levels of analysis, and bridging the gap between theory and practice. It analyzes data gathered from published testimonies and language memoirs of former language learners, spoken and written data from American college language learners, and online data from language learners in electronic chatrooms and text messaging exchanges. The author encourages readers to consider foreign language learning from new, diverse, and unique perspectives. USD 51.60 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Understanding English as a Lingua Franca e-book Catalog Barbara Seidlhofer Format: Electronic Text A clear explanation of the theories and principles underlying English as a Lingua Franca studies and how they relate to other areas of research. The number of English speakers in the world continues to grow, but the vast majority are non-native speakers using English to communicate with each other, rather than with native speakers. This book examines the use of English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) from various perspectives. It explores the various ways in which ELF represents a challenge to the predominance of the native-speaker model, as well as its implications for other fields of linguistic research and for English language teaching. USD 47.90 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Previous 1 of 2 1 2 Next Show all Refine by Clear all Professional Development Applied linguistics (52) Assessment (6) Communication & Collaboration (12) Culture & Citizenship (11) English for Specific Purposes (1) Empowerment, Agency, & Wellbeing (8) Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation (2) Your Personal Development (16) Managing and Motivating Learners (7) Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking (4) Teaching Approaches (Projects, CLIL, etc.) (9) Organisational & management skills (3)