For Applied Linguistics (71) Refine by Sort by Sort by Title (A to Z) Title (Z to A) Newest first Newest last Sort View mode: List view Grid view Previous 1 of 8 1 2 3 … 8 Next Show all Language Assessment in Practice e-book Catalogue Lyle Bachman and Adrian Palmer Format: e-book Presents an innovative, unified, and easily applied approach to designing and developing language assessments. Buy from Adolescent Second Language Learning and Multilingualism (e-book) Catalogue Series Advisers: Anne Burns and Diane Larsen Freeman Format: e-book This is the first book dedicated exclusively to presenting the current state of scholarship on multilingual development and language use among adolescents. Drawing upon the fast-growing interdisciplinary field of youth studies, the book provides a detailed examination of the linguistic, cognitive, and literacy development of multilingual teenagers in home, school, community, and global contexts. Buy from Adolescent Second Language Learning and Multilingualism Catalogue Series Advisers: Anne Burns and Diane Larsen Freeman Format: Paperback This is the first book dedicated exclusively to presenting the current state of scholarship on multilingual development and language use among adolescents. Drawing upon the fast-growing interdisciplinary field of youth studies, the book provides a detailed examination of the linguistic, cognitive, and literacy development of multilingual teenagers in home, school, community, and global contexts. Buy from Oxford Applied Linguistics Language Learning Motivation Catalogue Series Advisers: Anne Burns and Diane Larsen Freeman Format: Paperback Ema Ushioda asks why we research language learning motivation, whose interests the research serves, and who ultimately benefits. Buy from Oxford Applied Linguistics Language Learning Motivation (e-book) Catalogue Series Advisers: Anne Burns and Diane Larsen Freeman Format: e-book Ema Ushioda asks why we research language learning motivation, whose interests the research serves, and who ultimately benefits. Buy from Oxford Applied Linguistics Language Learning Motivation (e-book for kindle) Catalogue Series Advisers: Anne Burns and Diane Larsen Freeman Format: e-book Ema Ushioda asks why we research language learning motivation, whose interests the research serves, and who ultimately benefits. Buy from Fairness, Justice and Language Assessment (e-book for Kindle) Catalogue Series Advisers: Anne Burns and Diane Larsen Freeman Format: e-book This book explores the difference between fairness and justice in language assessment, and shows how test fairness can be demonstrated and improved. Buy from Fairness, Justice and Language Assessment (e-book) Catalogue Series Advisers: Anne Burns and Diane Larsen Freeman Format: e-book This book explores the difference between fairness and justice in language assessment, and shows how test fairness can be demonstrated and improved. Buy from Fairness, Justice and Language Assessment Catalogue Series Advisers: Anne Burns and Diane Larsen Freeman Format: Paperback This book explores the difference between fairness and justice in language assessment, and shows how test fairness can be demonstrated and improved. Buy from Policy and Politics in Global Primary English Catalogue Janet Enever Format: Paperback Home to the most innovative studies in its field, the Oxford Applied Linguistics series furthers research in English teaching and learning, and provides strong foundations for language pedagogy. Buy from Previous 1 of 8 1 2 3 … 8 Next Show all Refine by Professional Development Applied linguistics (65) Assessment (6) Communication & Collaboration (12) Culture & Citizenship (19) English for Specific Purposes (1) Empowerment, Agency, & Wellbeing (15) Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation (2) Your Personal Development (23) Managing and Motivating Learners (12) Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking (4) SEN & Inclusivity (1) Teaching Approaches (Projects, CLIL, etc.) (15) Organisational & management skills (8) Show only Course or Series (1)