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These five short plays show people trying to decide what to do in unexpected or difficult situations. Buy from Useful and free Teacher's Site Student's Site Look inside Oxford Bookworms Playscripts: A Ghost in Love and Other Plays Catalog Third Edition Level 1: 400-Word Vocabulary Michael Dean Format: Paperback Language Level: A1/A2 Do you believe in ghosts? Jerry doesn't. He's a nineteen-year-old American, who just wants a good holiday with his friend, Brad. They are travelling round the north of England by bicycle. But strange things begin to happen in the small hotel where they are staying. First, Brad seems to think that he has been there before. And then a girl called Ellen appears . . . The first of these three original plays is set in the seventeenth century, and the other two take place in modern times. In each play, a ghost comes back from the dead to change the lives of living people. Buy from Useful and free Teacher's Site Student's Site Look inside Oxford Bookworms Library: Christmas in Prague Catalog Third Edition Level 1: 400-Word Vocabulary Joyce Hannam Format: Paperback Language Level: A1/A2 Bookworms are the World's Best Leveled Readers Series. Buy from Useful and free Student's Site Look inside Oxford Bookworms Library: Goodbye, Mr. Hollywood: Goodbye, Mr. Hollywood Catalog Third Edition Level 1: 400-Word Vocabulary John Escott Format: Paperback Language Level: A1/A2 Bookworms are the World's Best Leveled Readers Series. Buy from Useful and free Teacher's Site Student's Site Look inside Oxford Bookworms Playscripts: The Butler Did It and Other Plays Catalog Third Edition Level 1: 400-Word Vocabulary Bill Bowler and Clare West Format: Paperback Language Level: A1/A2 How do you get a licence if you want to keep a monkey? What can you do if your wife has a lover? How can you see into the future? Where can you go for an exciting but cheap holiday somewhere hot and far away? How can you persuade your girlfriend or boyfriend to marry you? The characters in these six original short plays are looking for answers to these questions. While trying to solve their problems, people get into some very funny situations. Each play gives an amusing view of life today, and there is often an unexpected ending. Buy from Useful and free Teacher's Site Student's Site Look inside Oxford Bookworms Library: Henry VIII and His Six Wives Catalog Third Edition Level 2: 700-Word Vocabulary Janet Hardy-Gould Format: Paperback Language Level: A2/B1 Bookworms are the World's Best Leveled Readers Series. Buy from Useful and free Student's Site Look inside Oxford Bookworms Library: Anne of Green Gables Catalog Third Edition Level 2: 700-Word Vocabulary L.M Montgomery Format: Paperback Language Level: A2/B1 Bookworms are the World's Best Leveled Readers Series. Buy from Useful and free Teacher's Site Student's Site Look inside Oxford Bookworms Library: The Death of Karen Silkwood Catalog Third Edition Level 2: 700-Word Vocabulary Joyce Hannam Format: Paperback Language Level: A2/B1 Bookworms are the World's Best Leveled Readers Series. Buy from Useful and free Student's Site Look inside Oxford Bookworms Library: The Piano Catalog Third Edition Level 2: 700-Word Vocabulary Rosemary Border Format: Paperback Language Level: A2/B1 Bookworms are the World's Best Leveled Readers Series. Buy from Useful and free Teacher's Site Student's Site Look inside Oxford Bookworms Library: Chemical Secret Catalog Level 3: 1000-Word Vocabulary Tim Vicary Format: Paperback Language Level: B1 Bookworms are the World's Best Leveled Readers Series. 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