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For Graded Readers (17)

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Oxford Read and Imagine Early Starter: Spider, Spider


Paul Shipton

Format: Paperback

Language Level: Pre-A1

What's in the green car? What's on the blue ball?

Oxford Read and Imagine Level 1: Too Fast!


Fiction Graded Reader series for young learners – partners with non-fiction series Oxford Read and Discover

Paul Shipton

Format: Paperback

Language Level: Pre-A1

Why is Flip scared when he rides Grandpa's new skateboard?

Classic Tales Second Edition Level 2 Kind Arthur and the Sword Activity Book and Play


Second Edition

Full-colour English graded readers offering classic tales retold for primary language learners accompanied by e-Books, audio, and Activity Books.

Retold by Rachel Bladon

Format: Paperback

Language Level: A1

Will Arthur take the sword from the stone?

Classic Tales Second Edition Level 2 King Arthur and the Sword


Second Edition

Full-colour English graded readers offering classic tales retold for primary language learners accompanied by e-Books, audio, and Activity Books.

Retold by Rachel Bladon

Format: Paperback

Language Level: A1

Will Arthur take the sword from the stone?

Dominoes Quick Starter Merlin


Second Edition

Janet Hardy-Gould

Format: Paperback

Language Level: A1

'Be careful with Morfran,' Princess Adhan tells her young son, Merlin.

Dominoes Quick Starter Crying Wolf and Other Tales


Second Edition

Text adaptation by Janet Hardy-Gould

Format: Paperback

Language Level: A1

'Help! A wolf is eating my sheep!'

What happens when a bored shepherd boy lies to the people in his village - or when he later tells the truth?

What do a man and his wife do when their goose lays golden eggs? And what can two travellers learn from a bear in the woods?

These three old Greek tales teach us important truths about people today.

Dominoes Quick Starter Zombie Attack!


Second Edition

Lesley Thompson

Format: Paperback

'Professor Clark's work usually helps people. But this is something new.'

Clark's helper - Tasha Kiara - is telling Chaz - a local TV reporter about the Professor's new serum.

Then an earthquake hits Clark's California lab, and his serum brings dead bodies in the cemetery alive. Soon the zombies attack!

What happens to Professor Clark? How can Tasha and Chaz stop the zombies? Who lives and who dies? Read this story and see.

Dominoes Quick Starter Troy


Second Edition

Retold by Bill Bowler

Format: Paperback

Language Level: A1

'I see Troy in flames years from now - because Paris brings disaster to us,' Queen Hecuba says about her son.

Dominoes Quick Starter The Sorcerer's Apprentice


Second Edition

Retold by Bill Bowler

Format: Paperback

'What's your job?' Yukio asks.

'I'm a sorcerer,' the old man smiles, 'and I need a young apprentice.'

One day, Yukio - a young boy from old Japan - leaves his sister in the country and looks for a job in the town. He finds interesting work there, as a sorcerer's apprentice. But why must Yukio wait to learn magic? And what happens after he puts a spell on a broom when the sorcerer is away?

Dominoes Quick Starter The First Flying Man


Second Edition

Aesop, Text adaptation by Janet Hardy-Gould

Format: Paperback

Language Level: A1

'Help! A wolf is eating my sheep!' What happens when a bored shepherd boy lies to the people in his village - or when he later tells the truth?