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For Graded Readers (3)

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Oxford Bookworms Library Level 2: The Piano Audio Pack


Third Edition

700-Word Vocabulary

Series Editor: Rachel Bladon

Format: Mixed media format

Language Level: A2/B1

When he opens his eyes again, he knows that his life is changed for ever...

Oxford Bookworms Playscripts: One Thousand Dollars and Other Plays


Third Edition

Level 2: 700-Word Vocabulary

O. Henry and John Escott

Format: Paperback

Language Level: A2/B1

Money or love? Which is more important in life? Can money buy anything? Can it help a young man to marry the girl he loves? Does money really make people happy, or does it just cause problems? These four plays about money, love, and life are adapted from short stories written a hundred years ago by the great American storyteller O. Henry. Henry had his own difficulties with money and loneliness, and wrote from personal experience.

Oxford Bookworms Library


Best adaptations of classic and modern literature

Series Editor: Rachel Bladon

Language Level: Beginner to advanced, A1-C1

Bookworms are the World's Best Leveled Readers Series.