For Graded Readers (39) Refine by Sort by Sort by Title (A to Z) Title (Z to A) Newest first Newest last Sort View mode: List view Grid view Previous 1 of 4 1 2 3 4 Next Show all Oxford Bookworms Library Level 4: The Unquiet Grave e-book Catalog Third Edition 1400-Word Vocabulary M. R. James Retold by Peter Hawkins Format: e-book Language Level: B1/B2 If you find a locked room in a lonely inn, don't try to open it, even on a bright sunny day. Buy from Useful and free Teacher's Site Oxford Bookworms Library Level 4: Three Men in a Boat e-book Catalog Third Edition Graded readers for secondary and adult learners Jerome K. Jerome Format: OnLine Resource Language Level: B1/B2 I like work. I find it interesting... I can sit and look at it for hours.' With ideas like this, perhaps it is not a good idea to spend a holiday taking a boat trip up the River Thames. But this is what the three friends - and Montmorency the dog - decide to do. It is the sort of holiday that is fun to remember afterwards, but not so much fun to wake up too early on a cold, wet morning. This famous book has made people laugh all over the world for a hundred years... and they are still laughing. CEFR B1/B2 Word count 18,055 USD 11.00 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Useful and free Teacher's Site Oxford Bookworms Library Level 4: Treasure Island e-book Catalog Third Edition Graded readers for secondary and adult learners Robert Louis Stevenson Format: OnLine Resource Language Level: B1/B2 Suddenly, there was a high voice screaming in the darkness: "Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight!" It was Long John Silver's parrot, Captain Flint! I turned to run... ' But young Jim Hawkins does not escape from the pirates this time. Will he and his friends find the treasure before the pirates do? Will they escape from the island, and sail back to England with a ship full of gold? CEFR B1/B2 Word count 15,125 USD 11.00 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Useful and free Teacher's Site Oxford Bookworms Library Level 4: Silas Marner e-book Catalog Third Edition Graded readers for secondary and adult learners George Eliot Format: OnLine Resource Language Level: B1/B2 In a hole under the floorboards Silas Marner the linen-weaver keeps his gold. Every day he works hard at his weaving, and every night he takes the gold out and holds the bright coins lovingly, feeling them and counting them again and again. The villagers are afraid of him and he has no family, no friends. Only the gold is his friend, his delight, his reason for living. But what if a thief should come in the night and take his gold away? What will Silas do then? What could possibly comfort him for the loss of his only friend? CEFR B1/B2 Word count 16,065 USD 11.00 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Useful and free Teacher's Site Oxford Bookworms Library Level 4: Black Beauty e-book Catalog Third Edition Graded readers for secondary and adult learners Anna Sewell Format: OnLine Resource Language Level: B1/B2 When Black Beauty is trained to carry a rider on his back, or to pull a carriage behind him, he finds it hard at first. But he is lucky - his first home is a good one, where his owners are kind people, who would never be cruel to a horse. But in the nineteenth century many people were cruel to their horses, whipping them and beating them, and using them like machines until they dropped dead. Black Beauty soon finds this out, and as he describes his life, he has many terrible stories to tell. CEFR B1/B2 Word count 15,400 USD 11.00 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Useful and free Teacher's Site Oxford Bookworms Library Level 4: Lorna Doone e-book Catalog Third Edition Graded readers for secondary and adult learners R.D. Blackmore Format: OnLine Resource Language Level: B1/B2 One winter's day in 1673 young John Ridd is riding home from school, across the wild lonely hills of Exmoor. He has to pass Doone valley - a dangerous place, as the Doones are famous robbers and murderers. All Exmoor lives in fear of the Doones. At home there is sad news waiting for young John, and he learns that he has good reason to hate the Doones. But in the years to come he meets Lorna Doone, with her lovely smile and big dark eyes. And soon he is deeply, hopelessly in love... CEFR B1/B2 Word count 17,000 USD 11.00 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Useful and free Teacher's Site Oxford Bookworms Library Level 4: Washington Square e-book Catalog Third Edition Graded readers for secondary and adult learners Henry James Format: OnLine Resource Language Level: B1/B2 When a handsome young man begins to court Catherine Sloper, she feels she is very lucky. She is a quiet, gentle girl, but neither beautiful nor clever; no one had ever admired her before, or come to the front parlour of her home in Washington Square to whisper soft words of love to her. But in New York in the 1840s young ladies are not free to marry where they please. Catherine must have her father's permission, and Dr Sloper is a rich man. One day Catherine will have a fortune of 30,000 dollars a year... CEFR B1/B2 Word count 15,490 USD 11.00 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Useful and free Teacher's Site Oxford Bookworms Library Level 4: Little Women e-book Catalog Third Edition Graded readers for secondary and adult learners Louisa May Alcott Format: OnLine Resource Language Level: B1/B2 When Christmas comes for the four March girls, there is no money for expensive presents and they give away their Christmas breakfast to a poor family. But there are no happier girls in America than Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy. They miss their father, of course, who is away at the Civil War, but they try hard to be good so that he will be proud of his 'little women' when he comes home. This heart-warming story of family life has been popular for more than a hundred years. CEFR B1/B2 Word count 14,920 USD 11.00 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Useful and free Teacher's Site Oxford Bookworms Library Level 4: Lord Jim e-book Catalog Third Edition Level 4: 1400-Word Vocabulary Joseph Conrad Retold by Clare West Format: Online resource Language Level: B1/B2 A hundred years ago a seaman's life was full of danger, but Jim, the first mate on board the Patna, is not afraid of danger. Buy from Useful and free Teacher's Site Oxford Bookworms Library Level 4: A Tale of Two Cities e-book Catalog Third Edition Graded readers for secondary and adult learners Charles Dickens Format: OnLine Resource Language Level: B1/B2 The Marquis lay there, like stone, with a knife pushed into his heart. On his chest lay a piece of paper, with the words: Drive him fast to the grave. This is from JACQUES.' The French Revolution brings terror and death to many people. But even in these troubled times people can still love and be kind. They can be generous and true-hearted... and brave. CEFR B1/B2 Word count 14,850 USD 11.00 + Sales Tax Select quantity: Add to cart Useful and free Teacher's Site Previous 1 of 4 1 2 3 4 Next Show all Refine by Clear all CEFR Level B1 (39) B2 (39) Buy digital titles Buy online now (9) Media Type e-Book (39) Level Advanced (17) Beginner (104) Elementary (80) Intermediate (98) Pre-Intermediate (292) Pre-Primary (21) Starter (12) Upper Advanced (26) Upper Intermediate Plus (39)