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For Graded Readers (90)

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Oxford Bookworms Library Level 4: Land of my Childhood: Stories from South Asia Audio


Third Edition

1400-Word Vocabulary

Retold by Clare West

Format: Downloadable audio file

Language Level: Beginner to advanced, A1-C1

Bookworms are the World's Best Leveled Readers Series.

Dominoes Two The Turn of the Screw


Second Edition

Henry James. Text adaptation by Christine Lindop

Format: Paperback

Language Level: A2/B1

A young woman arrives at a large house, to look after the two children who live there. But there is something very strange about the house and the children...

Oxford Bookworms Library Level 2: Stories from the Heart audio pack


Third Edition

Graded readers for secondary and adult learners

Retold by Jennifer Bassett

Format: Mixed media format

Language Level: A2 - B1

From Nigeria to New Zealand, from Jamaica to Malaysia, from India to South Africa, these stories show us that the human heart is the same in every place.

Oxford Bookworms Library Level 2: Stories from the Heart


Third Edition

Graded readers for secondary and adult learners

Retold by Jennifer Bassett

Format: Paperback

Language Level: A2 - B1

From Nigeria to New Zealand, from Jamaica to Malaysia, from India to South Africa, these stories show us that the human heart is the same in every place.

Oxford Bookworms Library Level 2: Changing their Skies: Stories from Africa Audio Pack


Third Edition

700-Word Vocabulary

Retold by Jennifer Bassett

Format: Mixed media format

Language Level: A2/B1

The stories in this volume come from Malawi, South Africa, and Tanzania.

Oxford Bookworms Library Level 4: Land of my Childhood: Stories from South Asia Audio Pack


Third Edition

1400-Word Vocabulary

Retold by Clare West

Format: Mixed media format

Language Level: B1/B2

'My brother preferred being with mother and me. He used to help us prepare vegetables in the kitchen or make the bread. But what he liked best was listening to my mother's stories.'

Dominoes One Teacher's Secret and Other Folk Tales Audio Pack


Second Edition

Retold by Joyce Hannam

Format: Mixed media format

Language Level: A1/A2

Are men cleverer than women? Is a poor man cleverer than a rich man? And what about teachers? Are they always cleverer than their students?

Dominoes Starter Sheherazade Audio Pack


Second Edition

Retold by Bill Bowler

Format: Mixed media format

Language Level: A1

King Shahriyar cannot trust women. Every afternoon he marries a wife, but the next morning he always kills her.

Dominoes Quick Starter Perseus Audio Pack


Second Edition

Oscar Wilde, Text adaptation by Bill Bowler

Format: Mixed media format

Language Level: A1

Medusa is a she-monster with snakes for hair. Can Perseus find and kill Medusa? And what happens after he goes back to Seriphos?

Dominoes Starter Heidi Audio Pack


Second Edition

Johanna Spyri, Text adaptation by Paul Davenport

Format: Mixed media format

Language Level: A1

'I'm not going with you, Aunt Dete!' Heidi cries. 'Oh yes, you are!' Dete answers.