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For Graded Readers (5)

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Oxford Bookworms Library Level 6: Dubliners Audio Pack


2,500 Word Vocabulary

James Joyce, Retold by Clare West

Format: Mixed media format

Language Level: C1

Dublin, Ireland, in the early years of the twentieth century. It is a poor city, and there is hard drinking, dishonesty, and violence just beneath the surface everywhere you look.

Useful and free

Oxford Bookworms Library: A Passage to India


Level 6: 2,500 Word Vocabulary

E. M. Forster

Format: Paperback

Language Level: B2/C1

A mysterious incident at the Marabar Caves, involving Adela Quested, newly arrived from England, and Dr Aziz, an Indian doctor, leads to a drama that divides the British and Indian communities in anger, distrust, and fear. Forsters great novel brings to life all the dangers and misunderstandings of colonialism but, as Forster himself wrote, the story is about something wider than politics, about the search of the human race for a more lasting home, about the universe as embodied in the Indian earth and the Indian sky, about the horror lurking in the Marabar Caves...

Oxford Bookworms Library: Barchester Towers


Level 6: 2,500 Word Vocabulary

Anthony Trollope and Clare West

Format: Paperback

Language Level: B2/C1

Mrs Proudie, the warlike wife of the new Bishop of Barchester, brings the Reverend Slope into the Bishop's Palace to help dominate her husband and rule the local clergy. But Slope is a snake in the grass, determined to find a rich wife, to win advancement for himself, even to fight Mrs Proudie if necessary. Their battle becomes a furious dance, involving rich, pretty Widow Bold, angry Archdeacon Grantly, man-eating Signora Neroni, gentle Mr Harding, confused Parson Quiverful and his fourteen noisy children. This classic comic story is Trollope's most famous novel.

Oxford Bookworms Library: The Woman in White


Third Edition

Level 6: 2,500 Word Vocabulary

Willie Collins and Richard G. Lewis

Format: Paperback

Language Level: B2/C1

The woman in white first appears at night on a lonely heath near London and is next seen at a grave-side in Cumberland. Who is she? Where has she come from, and what is her history? She seems alone and friendless, frightened and confused. And it seems she knows a secret - a secret that could bring ruin and shame to a man who will do anything to keep her silent. This famous mystery thriller by Wilkie Collins has excitement, suspense, romance, and a plot that twists and turns on every page.

Oxford Bookworms Library


Best adaptations of classic and modern literature

Series Editor: Rachel Bladon

Language Level: Beginner to advanced, A1-C1

Bookworms are the World's Best Leveled Readers Series.

Useful and free