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For Dictionaries & Reference (77)

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Oxford Picture Dictionary Third Edition: High-Beginning Workbook


Third Edition

Picture the journey to success

Majorie Fuchs

Format: Paperback

Language Level: High Beginning

The Oxford Picture Dictionary High Beginning Workbook offers high-interest exercises that correspond to each page of the Oxford Picture Dictionary, Third Edition. A wide range of activity types address individual learning styles and develop critical thinking skills.

-Graphs, tables, and other pictorial representations promote chart literacy

-Activities for new and updated topics such as job search, career planning, and digital literacy prepare students for work, academic study, and citizenship.

Oxford Picture Dictionary Third Edition: Low-Intermediate Workbook


Third Edition

Picture the journey to success

Marjorie Fuchs and Margaret Bonner

Format: Paperback

Language Level: Low Intermediate

The Oxford Picture Dictionary Low Intermediate Workbook offers high-interest exercises that correspond to each page of the Oxford Picture Dictionary, Third Edition. A wide range of activity types address individual learning styles and develop critical thinking skills.

-Graphs, tables, and other pictorial representations promote chart literacy

-Activities for new and updated topics such as job search, career planning, and digital literacy prepare students for work, academic study, and citizenship.

Oxford Picture Dictionary Third Edition: English/French Dictionary


Third Edition

Picture the journey to success

Jayme Adelson-Goldstein and Norma Shapiro

Format: Paperback

Language Level: Low Beginning to Low Intermediate

The third edition of the best-selling Oxford Picture Dictionary provides unparalleled support for vocabulary teaching to meet the needs of today's English language learners.

-4,000 English words and phrases with meaningful, real-life contexts

-New and updated topics such as job search, career planning, and digital literacy equip students with the language they need for everyday success.

-Revised practice activities prepare students for work, academic study, and citizenship from the very beginning

Oxford Picture Dictionary Third Edition: Low-Beginning Workbook


Third Edition

Picture the journey to success

Jane Spigarelli

Format: Paperback

Language Level: Low Beginning

The Oxford Picture Dictionary Low Beginning Workbook offers high-interest exercises that correspond to each page of the Oxford Picture Dictionary, Third Edition. A wide range of activity types address individual learning styles and develop critical thinking skills.

-Level-appropriate word lists and activities help learners focus on the most essential vocabulary

-Activities for new and updated topics such as job search, career planning, and digital literacy prepare students for work, academic study, and citizenship.

Oxford Picture Dictionary Third Edition: English/Chinese Dictionary


Third Edition

Picture the journey to success

Jayme Adelson-Goldstein and Norma Shapiro

Format: Paperback

Language Level: Low Beginning to Low Intermediate

The third edition of the best-selling Oxford Picture Dictionary provides unparalleled support for vocabulary teaching to meet the needs of today's English language learners.

-4,000 English words and phrases with meaningful, real-life contexts

-New and updated topics such as job search, career planning, and digital literacy equip students with the language they need for everyday success.

-Revised practice activities prepare students for work, academic study, and citizenship from the very beginning

Oxford Picture Dictionary Third Edition: English/Arabic Dictionary


Third Edition

Picture the journey to success

Jayme Adelson-Goldstein and Norma Shapiro

Format: Paperback

Language Level: Low Beginning to Low Intermediate

The third edition of the best-selling Oxford Picture Dictionary provides unparalleled support for vocabulary teaching to meet the needs of today's English language learners.

-4,000 English words and phrases with meaningful, real-life contexts

-New and updated topics such as job search, career planning, and digital literacy equip students with the language they need for everyday success.

-Revised practice activities prepare students for work, academic study, and citizenship from the very beginning

Oxford Picture Dictionary 3E English/Vietnamese


Third Edition

Picture the journey to success

Jayme Adelson-Goldstein and Norma Shapiro

Format: Paperback

Language Level: Low Beginning to Low Intermediate

The third edition of the best-selling Oxford Picture Dictionary provides unparalleled support for vocabulary teaching to meet the needs of today's English language learners.

-4,000 English words and phrases with meaningful, real-life contexts

-New and updated topics such as job search, career planning, and digital literacy equip students with the language they need for everyday success.

-Revised practice activities prepare students for work, academic study, and citizenship from the very beginning

Oxford Picture Dictionary Third Edition: English/Spanish Dictionary


Third Edition

Picture the journey to success

Jayme Adelson-Goldstein and Norma Shapiro

Format: Paperback

Language Level: Low Beginning to Low Intermediate

The third edition of the best-selling Oxford Picture Dictionary provides unparalleled support for vocabulary teaching to meet the needs of today's English language learners.

-4,000 English words and phrases with meaningful, real-life contexts

-New and updated topics such as job search, career planning, and digital literacy equip students with the language they need for everyday success.

-Revised practice activities prepare students for work, academic study, and citizenship from the very beginning

Oxford Picture Dictionary Teacher Resource Center


Third Edition

Picture the journey to success

Jayme Adelson-Goldstein
Norma Shapiro

Format: Digital Licence Key

Language Level: Low Beginning – Low Intermediate (A1 – B1)

A one-stop-shop for busy teachers with access to a variety of downloadable classroom materials.

Oxford Picture Dictionary


Third Edition

Picture the journey to success

Jayme Adelson-Goldstein and Norma Shapiro

Language Level: Low Beginning – Low Intermediate (A1 – B1)

Vibrant illustrations and unparalleled support for vocabulary teaching to meet the needs of today’s English language learners.