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For Dictionaries & Reference (77)

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Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary


Tenth Edition

The world's bestselling advanced-level dictionary for learners of English

Diana Lea, Jennifer Bradbery

Language Level: B2-C2

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 10th Edition builds English vocabulary better than ever before.

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary Hardback (with 2 years' access to both premium online and app)


Tenth Edition

The world's bestselling advanced-level dictionary for learners of English

Diana Lea, Jennifer Bradbery

Format: Mixed media format

Language Level: B2-C2

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 10th Edition builds English vocabulary better than ever before.

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary Paperback (with 2 years' access to both premium online and app)


Tenth Edition

The world's bestselling advanced-level dictionary for learners of English

Diana Lea, Jennifer Bradbery

Format: Mixed media format

Language Level: B2-C2

Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 10th Edition builds English vocabulary better than ever before.

Das große Oxford Wörterbuch


Third Edition

Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch/Deutsch-Englisch mit Wörterbuch-App

Format: Mixed media format

Language Level: B1-C1

Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch/Deutsch-Englisch mit Wörterbuch-App

Das große Oxford Wörterbuch


Third Edition

Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch/Deutsch-Englisch

Format: Mixed media format

Language Level: B1-C1

Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch/Deutsch-Englisch

Diccionari Oxford Pocket Català per a estudiants d'angles


Fifth Edition

Helping Catalan students to build their vocabulary and develop their English skills

Format: Mixed media format

Fully updated 5th edition.

Dicionário Oxford Escolar para estudantes brasileiros de inglês


Third Edition

Format: Mixed media format

Language Level: A1 - B1

Para estudantes brasileiros de inglês

Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Academic English Online (1 year's access)


Helps students learn the language they need to write academic English, whatever their chosen subject.

Format: OnLine Resource

The Oxford Learner's Dictionary of Academic English helps students learn the words and phrases used in academic writing, and how to use them in their own academic written work.

USD 22.00
 + Sales Tax

Oxford Collocations Dictionary Online (1 year's access)


A corpus-based dictionary which shows the most frequently used word combinations in British and American English

Format: OnLine Resource

The Oxford Collocations Dictionary shows which words work together. It helps students express their ideas naturally and convincingly and is particularly useful for academic and report writing.

USD 16.50
 + Sales Tax

Oxford Picture Dictionary Third Edition: Interactive Student e-Book (Card)


Third Edition

Picture the journey to success

Jamie Adelson-Goldstein

Format: Mixed Media

Language Level: Low Beginning to Low Intermediate

The monolingual dictionary (American English) is the core component of the Oxford Picture Dictionary Third Edition program, building students' vocabulary, reading, and critical thinking skills for success in their daily lives.