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For Young Learners (3)

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Let's Go


5th Edition

Let's talk. Let's learn. Let's Go!

Barbara Hoskins, Karen Frazier, Ritsuko Nakata, and Carolyn Graham

Language Level: A1-B1

Based on a trusted and easy-to-teach methodology, Let's Go 5th Edition inspires students to enjoy learning English.

Oxford Picture Dictionary for the Content Areas


Unlock the Door to Content Area Literacy through Explicit Vocabulary Instruction

Dorothy Kauffman and Gary Apple

Language Level: Beginner to Intermediate

The second edition of this well-loved dictionary with an increased emphasis on academic language, alignment to curriculum standards and a research-based pedagogy.

Useful and free



Second Edition

English graded readers series for upper-primary / lower-secondary

Bill Bowler and Sue Parminter

Language Level: Dominoes are carefully graded from Quick Starter Level to Level Three according to the Bookworms syllabus.

Build your language skills through reading Dominoes, the interactive readers series.