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For Young Learners (6)

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Learn With Us Now


Second edition

New Edition

Bring learning together. Bring learning to life.

Vanessa Reilly, Plácido Bazo, ​Marcos Peñate, Mari-Carmen Ocete, Hawys Morgan

Learn With Us Now provides child-centred, real-world content that encourages children of all abilities to learn by doing, to learn together, and to learn from one another. Levels: Levels 1 – 6.

Blue Dot



Creating tomorrow's changemakers

Lesley Koustaff, Susan Rivers, Kathleen Kampa, Charles Vilina, Kenna Bourke, Fiona Beddall

Language Level: Pre-A1 - B2

Blue Dot’s innovative concept-led approach enables students to investigate, make connections, and form enduring understandings about the world around them. Help to create the changemakers of tomorrow with Blue Dot. Available in 6 levels: Level 1 - Level 6.

Everybody Up


Third Edition

New Edition

Get students talking

Susan Banman Sileci, Lynne Robertson, Patrick Jackson, Kathleen Kampa, Charles Vilina

Language Level: Pre-A1 - B1

Get students talking with Everybody Up 3rd Edition. Plenty of videos, songs, and stories, together with a strong focus on pronunciation and grammar, help students become confident in their communication. Levels: Starter, and Levels 1 – 6.

Project Fourth Edition Upgraded


Updated edition

New levels

Inspiring a new generation

Language Level: A1-B1

Engage and inspire your learners with Project Fourth Edition Upgraded, with new enhanced support and resources for mixed-ability teaching.

Let's Go


5th Edition

Let's talk. Let's learn. Let's Go!

Barbara Hoskins, Karen Frazier, Ritsuko Nakata, and Carolyn Graham

Language Level: A1-B1

Based on a trusted and easy-to-teach methodology, Let's Go 5th Edition inspires students to enjoy learning English.



Second Edition

English graded readers series for upper-primary / lower-secondary

Bill Bowler and Sue Parminter

Language Level: Dominoes are carefully graded from Quick Starter Level to Level Three according to the Bookworms syllabus.

Build your language skills through reading Dominoes, the interactive readers series.