For Pre-School Children (4)

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Toy Team



Learn, grow, play! Together every day.

Jen Dobson, Julia Mena Dobson,​ Catherine Ball, Emily Hird, ​Hawys Morgan, Cheryl Palin​, Tracey Gibbins

Language Level: Pre-A1

Join the adventures of Archie, the toy giraffe, and the toy team to learn about friendship, togetherness and collaboration. These adventures, along with stories, crafts, and songs, provide a hands-on context for learning English.
Pre-primary course, choose Toy Team, or Toy Team Plus with additional literacy lessons. Levels 1 – 3.

Show and Tell


Second Edition

Creating young thinkers with great futures.

Gabby Pritchard Margaret Whitfieldand Kathryn Harper

Language Level: Pre-school / Kindergarten Pre - A1

A three-level pre-primary course that gives teachers the tools to develop kindergarten children's 21st century skills.

Useful and free

Let's Begin Level 1


5th edition

Let's Talk. Let's learn. Let's go!

Barbara Hoskins, Karen Frazier, Ritsuko Nakata, and Carolyn Graham

Language Level: A1-B1

Based on a trusted and easy-to-teach methodology, Let's Go 5th Edition inspires students to enjoy learning English.

Let's Begin Level 2


5th edition

Let's Talk. Let's learn. Let's go!

Barbara Hoskins, Karen Frazier, Ritsuko Nakata, and Carolyn Graham

Language Level: A1-B1

Based on a trusted and easy-to-teach methodology, Let's Go 5th Edition inspires students to enjoy learning English.