Susan Hillyard was awarded a Bachelor of Education in Educational Drama and Sociology from Warwick University in 1972. She has worked as a classroom teacher, co-ordinator, Head of Sector, teacher trainer, and speaker in the UK, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Spain, and Argentina. She is currently Secondary English Headmistress at Wellspring School, Argentina, where she is working on replicating in secondary, an investigation already conducted in the primary section on 'The Teaching of Thinking Skills in the Second Language with six-year-olds'. She also works as an Educational Consultant, delivering presentations on a variety of topics including creative teaching and learning, global issues, drama in education, teaching thinking skills, and classroom management, and is studying for a Masters Degree in Professional Studies in Education and Training with the University of Surrey. She is co-author of Global Issues in the Resource Books for Teachers series, published by Oxford University Press.